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Friday, June 12, 2015

Finding A Counselor Qualified In Hypnotherapy Washington DC

By April Briggs

Health care professionals have differing opinions on the value of most types of therapy used in modern medicine. In most cases, what is a good fit for one patient is not for another. When considering hypnotherapy Washington DC practitioners have had varying thoughts on its effectiveness, for smoking cessation for example.

For those who are finding it nearly impossible to stop smoking, it may be useful. An addiction is difficult to get free of and there may only be a temporary escape from smoking. When a trained hypnotherapist uses hypnosis in conjunction with the nicotine patch, it shows great promise.

He or she should be a duly licensed psychotherapist who has taken additional training to be certified in hypnotherapy. It is not a method used exclusively by those with a doctorate. Someone with a masters degree in social work or psychology may be equally qualified if trained. There are cases in which a patient does not respond to hypnosis.

This therapy, to date, has been most helpful when used as palliative care for terminal patients. It can ease the pain and decrease the nausea experienced by some receiving chemotherapy. Used concomitantly with prescription pain medication, it can be effective for cancer patients.

It is also used to treat obesity. Since an addiction to food has the additional difficulty of the individual not being able to abstain from food, treatment requires additional help. There has been some success among the obese patients. Hypnotherapy is usually reinforced on a regular basis to remain effective.

It has been used as a method to uncover events long hidden in the patients subconscious. The theory is that when a traumatic event from childhood can be remembered, the individual can view it from an adult perspective which renders it as less threatening. Recalling and analysis is intended to help the patient recover from the trauma as much as possible.

Research was conducted using hospice care patients as the subjects. These were cancer patients who were suffering nausea and pain. The conclusion indicated that those who underwent the hypnosis had less nausea and less pain. Studies are random and more standardized research is required before absolute conclusions can provide valid confirmation of the effectiveness of the therapy.

There are health care professionals who place no confidence in any alternative medical practices. Others will combine one or more of them with prescription medication to ease the pain for terminal patients. Some of these alternative methods are hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture and meditation. They are often found to be helpful although to what degree is not confirmed.

Being hypnotized has the beneficial effect of reducing stress. Stress is a major cause of high blood pressure, heart attacks and insomnia. Learning to relax under hypnosis can help teach the patient new relaxation techniques to incorporate into his daily life.

A good counselor will be willing to describe his qualifications and how the process will help the patient. Feeling at ease with a therapist is essential to successful hypnotherapy. When successful it can assist the patient by uncovering traumatic incidents from the past that can then be explored and understood in relation to a current disorder.

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