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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Science of Getting Rich - Book by Wallace D Wattles

By Jalila Heuts

Looking for the key to the Law of Attraction and obtaining everything you could possibly want in life? In his classic book, The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles provided a simple and powerful answer: be grateful for your blessings.Gratitude and the Law of Attraction.After a hundred years, Wattles' "Science Book" has benefitted the lives of a tremendous number of men and women. Behaving and thinking in his "Certain Way," Wattles guaranteed, will grant you the riches you desire.

Wallace Wattles revealed something that is now regarded as a scientific reality. There is a universal intelligence-the Creator or God -which is the wellspring of all the great things that are ready to come into your life. It provides limitless possibilities for you to succeed on all levels and live fully.Here's where gratitude enters the picture. The most effective approach for establishing a connection with this universal intelligence is both profound and simple, by being grateful.Your Four Arguments to Be Grateful,Thankfulness attracts positive things you desire to you.Are you longing for riches and the freedom that comes with it? Then your job is simple: give thanks.

If you're reading this on a computer screen, the computer, it's screen and the internet connection that led you to this article were all originally thoughts. So was the building you're probably sitting in. The road outside, the cars on it, the electricity powering your computer. Near enough everything surrounding you.That's all well and good. But how do you get something to change from being a figment of your imagination to actually manifesting itself in your life? Much like Napoleon Hill, Wattles argues that you need to think hard about it. The more vividly you can imagine, the more real you make it in your imagination, the quicker it will appear in your life.

If you fill your awareness with grateful feelings about all the blessings in your life, you can't also hold onto negative thinking. A stress-free and joyful life is heading your way! Gratitude raises you onto the Creative Plane.In his "Science Book," Wattles explained the journey between two realities: the Competitive Plane and the Creative Plane.The Competitive Plane is led by struggle and fear. Here people think that they have to fight their way to the top and get the upper hand for a seemingly a limited supply of riches.The Creative Plane is on the other end of the spectrum. Here people prosper surrounded by a world characterized by love, joy, and freedom. These people realize that there isn't a limit to the riches the universe can supply and there's not a need to concern oneself with competition. There is an abundance of every possible good.Wattles' primary point is to embrace the spirit of a Creator not a Competitor. And the continuous expression of gratitude allows you to plant your feet securely on the Creative Plane.Faith stems from being grateful.

If a grateful state is a seedling, faithfulness becomes its fruit. The thankful individual consistently expects good results, and expectation becomes faith. Without a living faith, you will not be able to prosper by the creative approach.Isn't the immense power of gratitude remarkable? It's a lot more than that. It is the primary link to creating unlimited access to everything you truly desire in life!Keep in mind: Follow Wattles' advice and make being grateful your primary focus. Wake up every morning with expressions of gratitude for the good things you possess and those that are on their way. This will take you into harmony with the infinite supply, and all that is good will step toward you.

Do you know about the movie, "The Secret"? The truth is, it isn't much of a secret anymore, selling over 500,000 units within 6 months of its release in March 2006 and to this date 5,000 copies a day. "The Secret" had such an impact on the world that it was even featured on the Oprah Winfrey show, Larry King Live, and the Ellen DeGeneres Show.You may be asking yourself, "What is behind the success of, "The Secret"? Well to sum it all up, "The Secret" is a movie to help people transform their lives using a philosophy known as the, "Law of Attraction". This universal law states that we are completely responsible for our own reality wither we know it or not, and the quicker we understand this basic concept the quicker we begin taking control of our lives. Brought to you by 24 teachers including Chiropractic healers relationship gurus, prosperity preachers, life caches, and motivational speakers - this message is explained clearly and shows you how to apply the principles to all aspects of your life.Not far behind the success of the ground breaking movie ,"The Secret" is a wealth building system created by 3 of the main teachers called ,"The Science of Getting Rich Program", which is set to make history being the fastest selling personal development program known to man.

So what is this program about exactly? Well, during the year of 1910, a man named Wallace D. Wattles presented his timeless classic to the world entitled ,"The Science of Getting Rich" (the same book that inspired Ronda Byrne to create ,"The Secret"). Inside of this book, the principles of the Law of Attraction are revealed to the public for the first time. It is said, if one can do things in a certain way, we can always predict the outcome of our actions and by mastering these methods we will infallibly get rich. Therefore, the "Science of Getting Rich Program", is a step by step course to help you manifest wealth into your reality.

It sounds like a power packed program and judging by the success of ,"The Secret", I'm sure it is well on its way to deliver its potent formula for building wealth on a worldwide level.Is it possible that our reality is created by our thoughts? Well a universal law known as the, "Law of Attraction", states: How we think is directly linked to what is manifested in our lives.You can look at it like this: For every action there is a reaction. Therefore we can say for every positive thought there is a positive reaction. This is no mumbo jumbo, in fact; it is a self-evident truth that your thoughts are made up of the energy that has a direct affect to your reality.Holding no one else responsible, we are the creators of our own reality by the way we think and the choices we make. When we truly grasp this concept we begin to take control of our lives and understand that the only limits we have are the ones we create.

So you think ignoring the news is putting your head in the sand? But really what good does it do you to know about all the bad stuff going on out there? I'd rather be rich and happy than depressed and poor. Does that make you cringe? Truth is I don't care.I used to be all worried about over fishing, deforestation and the whole works. And really I love this world, and want to see fish swimming in the sea. Incredible how many whales I see when I'm sitting on the terrace of my house overlooking the sea. And if you really want to save the world give money to organizations that educate people about the planet. I love animals so I don't eat them. You can always make choices that represent what you care about.

Unfortunately, most people dont practice this way of thinking and it is no surprise that so many people struggle with their lives, especially the financial aspect. Today, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by 1% of the population! Some people work their whole lives but never experience financial freedom. Basically, one who obtains wealth does so by doing things in a certain way (It is not an accident).Now there is actually a wealth system called the, "Science of Getting Rich Program", designed by the 3 main teachers who brought us, "The Secret". It is based on the principles and philosophies of attracting wealth that Wallace D. Wattles presented to the world in his timeless classic, "The Science of Getting Rich", written in 1910.(This is the same book that inspired ,"The Secret") The SGR Program is a step by step course revealing the potent formula for attracting wealth and is loaded with an abundance of tools and resources along with a live support team which makes a powerful learning environment for mastering the techniques required for building wealth.By learning the ,"Certain Way"described in, "The Science of Getting Rich", you will be well on your way down the road to financial freedom.

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Friday, April 5, 2013

Advice And Tips On Self Tanning For Your Considering

By Haywood Hunter

One of the most important factors for success today is the way someone looks like. It is the main reason why people will try all sorts of things so that they can succeed. They do this, so that they can check to see if they can change their appearance. A self tanning lotion is a product that is commonly utilized to achieve these goals.

These are creams that are applied to give someone a natural glow and shine. It is also important since it protects the body from the rays that come from the sun. Therefore, they have a lot of importance. However, in order for them to be effective they ought to be used in the right manner.

To start with, before its application, the body needs to be exfoliated. Exfoliation is the removal of dead cells on the skin. This matters because if there are a lot of dead cells, the cream will have a hard time working.

Moisturizing the body is also recommended for all persons. This is important since skin that is dry will not get all the benefits of the tan. Ideally, it is advised that it's done at least a week before the application.

Additionally, the tan should never be used while in the bath. The steam therein will ruin the effects. That is why it matters that one does it in a dry room. Furthermore, people ought to take their time when applying the ointment. This is mainly because if one is not careful, then they might not apply certain areas well.

Lastly, after the application of the self tanning lotion it is important that somebody wait for a while before getting dressed. This is so that one does not stain their clothes. Additionally, air drying ensures even skin complexion.

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Achieve A Golden Tan By Using Sunless Tanning Lotion All Year Round

By Haywood Hunter

It's possible to have a natural looking tan, without damaging your skin from the sun, by a using sunless tanning lotion. There are many to choose from on the market. And you can control just how much darker you want your skin to appear, even in the dead of winter.

Whether you prefer scented or unscented, a particular brand name or a generic, the choice is yours. Perhaps you're looking for one with special moisturizers or soothing aloe vera. Maybe you'd like one with a higher sunscreen content for the extra protection. You can find brands that offer spray-on or the traditional rub on lotions. The choices can seem truly endless.

Often you can notice a difference after one application. Your skin will already appear darker within a few hours. The more, and more often, you apply the product, the deeper the resulting skin tone. If you're trying a new product for the first time, or if you have especially sensitive skin, you might want to use a small amount on a discreet test area of your body. It's best to play it safe and make sure you're not allergic.

When applying the lotion, you'll want it to go on evenly for a more natural-looking result. If you apply to much or too little to an area, it will be lighter or darker than the other areas, causing a splotchy or streaked effect. Some people wear cotton or latex gloves to keep the palms of their hands from coloring. Small sponges can be used, too. Pay attention to areas that don't normally tan and try to avoid them if possible.

You can find tanning lotions made especially for the face. Just as the face often requires different types of moisturizing and cleansing products than the rest of the body, face-specific tanning products can be useful too.

When you use a sunless tanning lotion, you are essentially dying your skin. The effect isn't permanent, but it will last a while. Keep that in mind and use caution if you wear your bathing suit or other clothing while applying the lotion, because it will stain the fabric. Also, because the dye binds to the dead skin cells, be sure to cleanse and thoroughly scrub your skin before using the lotion. Otherwise, the dryer skin areas will absorb more of it and end up darker than the other parts of your body.

When the first sunless tanning products came out on the market several years ago, the results were often laughable. People who used them stood out, not because they looked as if they just came from a holiday on the beaches in the South of France, but because they appeared freakishly orange. The products have evolved and improved drastically since the early days, with far more natural-looking results.

The range of prices for a sunless tanning lotion is huge. You can find very good products and quite reasonable prices, or you can go high end and pay a small fortune. Do a little research before you shop to find the right product for you.

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Overcoming Social Phobia In Minutes

By Natasha A. Unzueta

Probably the most common form of anxiety disorder is that known as Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder. In fact, it's so common that it is believed to affect somewhere around 10% of the entire population in one degree or another.What's more, it can affect absolutely anyone - from housewife to movie star.Renowned entertainers who have spent years in the public eye -- from Barbara Streisland to Kim Basinger ,have spoken publicly of their experience and recovery from social phobia and anxiety.

Most of the people who suffer from social anxiety disorder remain aloof, and avoid social settings. Unfortunately, this can worsen their condition. By doing this they may be adding fuel to the fire, but some people feel that this may be the only solution available to them. If this type of avoidance goes on for a long time, it can create a feeling of distress in a suffering person. Learning to be comfortable in all kinds of social settings is the best way to "get your life back".

Some stressful triggers for all those who suffer from social anxiety disorder:Meeting new people.Being criticized or teased.Speaking in public meetings.Eating/ drinking in public.Attending meetings, parties or some other social settings.Talking with authoritative people.Being the centre of attention.A dispute with close friend or relative.Things that can help in raising your self-esteem: Avoid chocolates, energy drinks, tea, and caffeine as these act as stimulants that may increase anxiety.Do mild exercise, such as taking a short walk, dancing, and jogging.Spend more time with friends.Try doing things you've been putting off. You will feel much confident and better afterwards.Join local voluntary service, because satisfaction that you will get by helping others can be great for your self-esteem.

Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing exercise, muscle relaxation, and medication, as they will help you in controlling various physical symptoms of anxiety. You can easily get muscle relaxation and deep breathing CD's from online stores or local health shops.Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) -This is one of the most successful social anxiety disorder treatments, and has worked well for millions who have suffered from social anxiety disorder (social phobia). This therapy is based on the fact that what you think will eventually affect the way you feel, and your feelings have a direct bearing on your behaviour. Therefore, once you are successful in changing the way you think in certain social settings that provoke anxiety in you, you will feel much relaxed and better.

The CBT helps in:Replacing all social anxiety triggers with positive thoughts leading to more stability in life. Learn ways to control all physical symptoms of social anxiety with various relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.Face various social situations in a systematic way, instead of avoiding them. Group therapy.Group therapy is a social anxiety disorder treatment which is sometimes used within CBT and includes observing, videotaping, acting, and even mock interviews in situations that people find anxious in the real world. When people become more familiar with the situations they are uncomfortable with, they will not only improve their confidence level, but will also build their social skills. This will gradually reduce their anxiety within a reasonable period of time.

Medications.Three types of medications used for social anxiety disorder treatment are-benzodiazepines, beta blockers, and antidepressants. However, the best treatment for all those who are suffering with this disorder will depend upon the individual. Some people will be able to do well with self-help techniques, while others may need both self-help techniques and medication.

There is another way.You see, the subconscious mind - that repository of beliefs - is simply trying to protect the individual from danger by creating feelings of anxiety and fear so that he or she will be safe from harm. But the subconscious has got it wrong. It is basing its faulty response on previous conditioning that is simply no longer appropriate.

Social phobia is a disorder that affects many people. Suffering from the condition is not easy as it can adversely affect living life normally. One of the clearest signs of having social anxiety disorder is having intense moments of fear just because of an oncoming social event. This, however, does not mean that feeling shy in a public speaking scenario is an automatic indication that you suffer from it. Normal shyness or nervousness should be differentiated from social phobia. If you are positive that you have the disorder, it is good news to say that there are now more options on how you can handle it and on how you can get social anxiety disorder treatment.

Why Is It Important to Understand Social Phobia? When seeking social anxiety disorder treatment, it is necessary that the disorder is first understood. It is necessary that you understand the condition especially if you want to be successful at doing away with it and if you want to find not just temporary relief from the symptoms but permanent cure. Social anxiety disorder manifests in a number of ways but the disorder generally involves the feeling of intense fear (or other negative emotions) due to the person's engaging in social activities. For example, a person who suffers from social phobia feels as if he is being judged by others when he speaks or that he is being evaluated negatively when with other people. The end result to these feelings can be the avoidance of such social situations.

Why Is It Important to Understand the Signs and Triggers of Social Phobia? Understanding social phobia would not be complete or successful if you do not fully understand its signs, symptoms and triggers. If you want to have social anxiety disorder treatment, then it becomes necessary that you can easily pinpoint triggers as well as symptoms. The triggers for a social phobia attack can be any kind of social event where the person will be exposed to other people. Examples of these social events include dating, meeting new acquaintances, speaking in front of a group or a class, making a speech or even eating out at public places. The symptoms can range from physical manifestations like trembling, dryness of throat, profuse sweating to emotional and behavioral manifestations like feeling intensely scared or avoiding such situations at all costs.What is the Best treatment? For many people, the best social anxiety disorder treatment is not medication or expensive therapies. For some, programs that aim to eliminate social phobia are the best especially if the program is made by someone who have successfully battled the disorder as well.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fundamental Aspects In Choosing Hollywood Nails Fortworth Salon Services

By Paul M. Ross

There is something chic and cozy about lounging in a Hollywood nails Fortworth salon that makes a few hours of getting away from all the office deadlines or household chores slip away with no second glance. For a full week of roller coaster ride in both work and household, you truly deserve that one day mani-pedi treat for yourself. But with the mushrooming numbers of beauty salons these days providing such services, careful inspection is essential to land in that vanity chair.

Nowadays, nail salons have evolved into more than just a shop for manicure and pedicure. Fingertips and toenails styling has grown into a much bigger perspective with silk wraps and with sculpting, repairing and designing with decals or airbrushing that make them more enticing. Some high-end salons even offer microdermabrasion and exfoliation treatments along with essential oil and paraffin treatments, and other forms of conditioning to hands and feet.

Prior to cold-calling any salon you randomly found online, consider your purpose and options in mind. Check for convenience and ease of travel when choosing one. It makes no sense driving for hours when you can save on gas money, effort and time getting the same services on a nearby shop. As a rule of thumb, the more convenient and easily accessible a salon, the better to maintain your nail sensations.

Sanitation is one of the most important yet often taken for granted factors in choosing a mani- and pedicure salon. Salon equipments are breeding ground for infectious bacteria, fungus and viruses which you might carry home with you. Make your observations by visiting one or asking friends and relatives who have tried the place. As a rule, the cleaner means the better.

Most people indulge in salon visits to relax and unwind. Keep an eye on how relaxing the atmosphere is when you are inside one. Immaculate and stylish, it must also possess the positive aura that you need. Soothing background music would simply suffice. If you hate noise, steer clear of ones where customers and non-customer alike scamper around.

Check published prices to get your pockets ready. Most salons usually post their standard prices, ongoing packages and promotional deals online to reach a much diversified market. This provides convenience to your search. Be aware also of proper tipping etiquette. Standard practice usually delves on ten to twenty percent depending on your satisfaction of the results.

Hollywood nails Fortworth salon services can be easily found when purpose and personal specifications are carefully laid out. By taking sanitation, price, ambiance and your personal needs for relaxation, filtering your search is easily achieved. With this, you can have that half-day pampering that you need.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Advantages Of Airbrush Tanning Lotion For That Special Occasion

By Haywood Hunter

Every body wants to have a beautiful tan. Yet there has been a lot of publicity in recent years about the dangers of UV rays and natural sun exposure. With this in mind many people are turning to safer methods, particularly those that use the airbrush tanning lotion. This fast, easy and safe method produced a wonderful tan but without all the potential problems associated with spending long hours in the sun.

Safety has become a main goal in many peoples lives. They are finally heeding the warnings about natural sun exposure. The intense UV rays have been linked to many cases of skin cancer every year. Too much sun also causes wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. An airbrush tanning lotion will actually help to moisturize the skin and add conditioners.

Some top celebrities have also been helping to make sun less tanning more popular. They have been appearing at big events sporting a gorgeous tan that was the result of an airbrush tanning lotion. When people see just how effective this method can be they are inspired to head to their local spa and try it out for themselves. This is the perfect choice for those who are short of time and need to look great for a special event.

The most important ingredient in an airbrush tanning lotion is dihyroxyactone, more commonly known as DHA. DHA is just a simple sugar compound that is total safe to use. It reacts with the upper skin cells and causes them to darken, producing a beautiful deep tan. However, as the skin cells are naturally replaced the tan will only last for about five to ten days and then begin to fade.

The new airbrush tanning lotions contain an ingredient called DHA. DHA is a FDA approved fruit sugar that is food grade and very safe to use. It reacts with the proteins in the skin and causes the outer layer of skin cells to darken naturally. The tan looks best for between five and ten days. After that they skin will have gone through its shedding process and the outer layers will naturally be replaced by new cells.

A sunless tan using an airbrush tanning lotion is perfect for a special occasion. Weddings are an excellent opportunity to get an airbrush tan. It only takes about twenty minuets to get a full body tan. It is important to exfoliate thoroughly first to remove any dry skin and create a smooth surface for the lotion to adhere to.

Interesting the tan will continue to darken for the next four to six hours after application. This is important to remember as the color will be lighter at first. The airbrush tanning lotion contains a bronzing complex that will provide a really professional tan. Most have a very light, subtle fragrance such as vanilla or citrus.

Anyone concerned about their health should consider an airbrush tanning lotion. It is safe, fast and produces the best results. The overall effect is even and the tan color is dark. There is no danger of burning and the tan can be repeated as often as necessary.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

How To Find Benefits Of The Airbrush Tanning Product

By Haywood Raptis

Great efforts go to locating a perfect formula that can replicate the exotic tan from the solar rays. A range of alternatives have come in place, including that of bed tans, but none is always perfect to most users. Nowadays, however, the world has gone a step further, by developing the effective airbrush tanning product.

This airbrush tanning product replicates the intonation of solar on the skin, even when devoid of side effects of ultra-violet rays on the epidermis. For the most successful use, one should make correct application, and also know his or her skin type. The first case requires the user to carry out a facial that exfoliates the upper surface of any skin surface.

By exfoliating, one is usually carrying out the same process as applying a facial or washing the face using cleansers only that this time it is an airbrush tanning product being applied. The procedure kills dead cells thus rejuvenating the skin through the mechanism of melanin. At this juncture, one can now apply the airbrush tanning product on youthful cells, whose very softness ensures the durability and fast bonding of the formula on the cells.

The type of skin, on the other hand, determines the kind of airbrush tanning product one will use. For example, persons who are blonde or light-skinned can go for the mahogany coloration. The same case applies to users who enjoy a naturally dark intonation. This is because the brownish appearance of such a formula creates a neutral complexion, common to humans.

When seeking results that resemble those of sunbathing, it is only right to go to a salon. The very nature of the formula necessitates meticulous preparation, application and waiting stages. Therefore, one ought to use an exfoliation aid, with the assistance of a dermatologist. It would then require eight hours of eschewing water, until the latter no longer poses as a soluble threat to the fresh complexion.

This remedy to exotic intonation works best with certain textiles, including nylon, although it does not necessarily have limitations with other fabrics. All in all, it is essential to don light raiment, particularly for men, to prevent sweating and create optimal bonding process to the skin. After this, it would only be a few hours before an enviable complexion sets in after using the airbrush tanning product.

The great thing about this airbrush tanning product is that it also passes stipulations of the Food and Drug Administration. Dihydroxyacetone is as component that has enjoyed widespread use in cosmetics, for more than thirty years. The airbrush tanning product acts as a shade facilitator.

One finds this remedy easy to apply, and shed off. The airbrush tanning product naturally undergoes shedding with the rest of dry cells, thus passing the safety test. One may also forcibly shave it off using a scrubbing aid. The latter resort, however, seldom becomes necessary.

Therefore, the airbrush tanning product acts as a perfect replication to common sunbathing. It brings about a seven-day period of a brand new brown nut tinge. It replicates a bed tan.

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