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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Natural Skin Care Recipes You May Make Yourself

By Elmer Elston

There are numerous ways you can look after your skin. Most people opt for over the counter products and trips to the dermatologist. There are, however, other ways to make sure that your skin stays clean and clear. These methods don't force you to slather a bunch of chemicals on to your skin or spend a lot of money. You can actually make most of them using things you'll find already in your pantry. Today, we'll share a few recipes for skin care products you can try preparing yourself at home.

If you want a great smelling face mask, you'll need peaches. Peaches are wonderful for the skin. You can cleanse and clear up your skin with the help of this face mask. You'll need to mix together half a peach (ripe), and 1/2 teaspoon each of honey and yogurt. For oily skin, mix in chick pea powder (1 tsp). Dry milk powder for dry skin. Apply the peach face mask on your entire face. Leave it on your face for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. You'll see the difference afterward.

For clear and healthy skin, exfoliating is a must. Did you know that pineapple is a great ingredient when you want to make a homemade exfoliator? Try this pineapple mask. Place these ingredients in a blender: 4 big chunks of pineapple, 1/2 cup pineapple (cut and drained), and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Blend to a smooth consistency then apply on the face. Wait 15 minutes before rinsing the mask off.

If you think those points on tag away are something, then there is more to read as you know plus tons elsewhere. To make things even better, you just need to push the envelope a little bit by discovering more beyond this article. When you begin to see, we tend to feel you will not only have a greater appreciation for what is going on, but you will be able to use that as leverage. That particular state will allow you to operate from a greater position in your life. We all want to have as much control as possible, even though we know we cannot control everything, but still - knowledge lets you be in a position to respond better to events.

An amazingly simple way of treating acne is with the use of egg yolks. There's no need to use other ingredients. Of course, if you have an egg allergy, this isn't a recipe you should use. Take the egg yolk from one egg. Whip the yolk to a frothy consistency. Then, apply it all over your face. Leave the yolk on your face for approximately 20 minutes. You can then wash the yolk off using warm water. It will shrink your pores, alleviate the redness of acne. As for the egg white, it makes for a great healing mask.

When it comes to caring for and treating your skin the natural way, there are many things you can do. Natural skin care products you make yourself are so much better and safer for your skin. They're a lot cheaper too than commercial skin care products. These recipes are just the beginning. There are lots of other recipes out there; you just need to do a little research yourself!

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Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Advantages Of Using Sun Giesee

By Haywood Hunter

Several people looking for a way to have a great tan know that sunbathing in a natural way might lead to health problems in the future. In order to hold back this issue, lots of self-tan products have been created but not many have been able to produce good results. A variety of manufacturing companies has created similar products to reach that desired goal. The Sun Giesee self-tan cream is only one of the many products on offer that will help you get that perfect tan you want.

As opposed to similar self-tan lotions, the Sun Giesee merges with different skin complexions. The Sun Giesee product comes in four different tones. If you use the medium tone, you should do it before going to bed as you will see the results in the morning. And the same goes for the dark and the very dark tones.

In a similar way to other self-tan lotions, if you use the product on a dirty skin, you won't get the results you want. This means that it's a lot better to use it after having a shower. If possible make use of an exfoliating gel so that the skin pores are free of dirt.

When applying the Sun Giesee self-tan lotion, make sure you do it in an even way. Some people wear gloves to avoid getting their hands tanned and some others wash their hands as soon as they finish the application. It's important to say that the self-tan cream gets darker in about three hours, which means that using only a little can do wonders for your skin.

You need to make sure you use only the exact amount as the instructions on the product say. And don't forget that you will have to maintain the tan by using the lotion no less than two times a week. Nevertheless, you will have to use it in combination with a tan moisturizing cream.

There's no doubt that a moisturizing cream allows you to get a more natural-looking tan for longer. It's a good idea to apply a moisturizing cream from time to time. It's also important to consider that the self-tan lotion doesn't include sunscreen protection. If you really need to draw attention to your tan, you should apply the tan first and then after sixty minutes use another skin product.

And you will have to be cautious even if you are using a Sun Giesee self-tanning lotion. If you notice your skin is irritated after using the Sun Giesee product, you should discontinue its use as soon as possible. It's a lot better to have a healthy skin than to be suffering later using a Sun Giesee product. If some of the product gets into your eyes, you will need to rinse them with plenty of water.

The Sun Giesee self-tan lotion will allow you to forget about the dangerous sun bathing sessions. The Sun Giesee product will help you get a perfect tan without having to be exposed to the harmful sunrays. And the best thing about the Sun Giesee product is that you will see the results in no more than three hours.

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

5 Strategies to Concentrate and Get Back on Task

By Hal Neff

Each day, there are dozens of tasks which are calling your name, both at work and in your own life. With life being so busy it's easy to lose concentration on the main picture.

How many times have you went to bed asking yourself what you really finished that day? Or have you ever felt like your day was in some way wasted?

To avoid these thoughts, you can try out a number of various techniques to get yourself back on the right track. Rather than bemoaning your wasted time, resolve to get back your focus and get back on task.

Confucius Says...

There is a famous quote about focus by the remarkable philosopher Confucius: "If you chase two rabbits, you catch none. " True, there might be people who are able to multitask and do it fairly well; but more often than not, people who split their own attention between two distinct tasks have a more challenging time finishing both tasks well.

Here are five ways to gain back your own focus and get back on task:

1 . Eliminate the interruptions. Eliminate the barriers that are causing you to avoid getting things done - it's that simple! Forget about checking email every 5 minutes; those emails are still going to be there when you complete your work. Make a checklist of disruptions and get rid of them!

* Switch off the phone and let the voice mail take over.

* Close the blinds in your office.

* Shut off the music when you find yourself singing more than working.

* Simply closing the door to your workplace can provide you with more privacy and much more concentration.

2 . Prioritize your tasks. Rather than working on projects simultaneously, take one thing at a time, focus on it, and worry about all the other tasks later. Eventually, you will get a lot more done and you will complete it faster. You will also be regarded by the high quality which you offer when you're free from distractions.

* Find a way to prioritize that works effectively for you. Select either the project that has the earliest deadline or the one with the least components so that you can complete it rapidly and get it out of the way. You will find pros and cons to both systems so tackle it whichever way works for you.

3. Tell everyone to respect your time. There are several nice and respectful ways to tell people to back off. If you are seeing yourself in a time crunch and can't seem to escape from others, consider letting them know that you need time to accomplish some essential assignments. There are many various ways to do it - just be sure you do!

* Set times that you'll receive phone calls and even guests. Inform them to contact you by email and then set a regular time to check your email.

* Set business hours during which people can count on you to return their calls or emails.

4. Set several restrictions with your internet access. The internet is wonderful but it can be a huge time waster, especially if you work on a computer all day long. Restore your concentration with some self-made rules.

*Initially, close all those windows you're not using. Avoid Facebook, MySpace or Twitter, quit searching on auction web sites, and leave messenger alone!

* Set up particular times every day to use these fun stuff and just focus on what you have to do. You will immediately accomplish more!

5. Have faith in your capabilities. This may seem like a really tiny thing when it comes to focusing and getting back on task, but believing that you can get everything done that you set out to do sets you in a positive mindset and you'll be less distracted with stress and worry.

* Have confidence that you can complete each job with ease and have confidence in your capability to produce. If you'll just have the confidence, you are sure to have the concentration!

Now that you've already been introduced to several techniques to concentrate and get back on task, it's up to you to take action and learn how to focus your thoughts. If you've got to get stuff completed, follow these methods so you can put yourself - and your goals - first!

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Study Skills - Understanding Why You Procrastinate

By Lachlan Haynes

Are you a procrastinator? Do you like to sleep in, half-complete tasks and leave everything to the last minute? Well join the club! 94% of people worldwide are in the same boat as you. And 94% of people also love saying the following four words: "I'll do it tomorrow". We say these words to ourselves knowing that an assessment date draws closer and closer or the list of chores gets bigger and bigger, but we just keep on saying it anyway! Unfortunately, this doesn't help us in the slightest because it results in well, nothing! And that's the point, nothing is getting done.

The good news is you probably do have a brain after all! What a relief. The big problem is, however, that while the words "I'll do it tomorrow" may comfort you and give you a sense of relief that everything be will be OK or a hope about what tomorrow may bring, they are also the bane of your entire existence! They torture you. They tease you. They make you think that when you wake up in the morning you will be super-motivated and super-pumped to tackle a task that yesterday seemed completely impossible. But not today! Today (being tomorrow) you know all the answers and have all the confidence in the world and all the obstacles that stopped you from starting the task yesterday are now gone aren't they? Well aren't they? Unfortunately the answer is no, because nothing at all has changed! Everything is the same. Except that today is the day! Things are going to happen! Angels are going to fly! The earth is going to shake! OK well maybe not, but you are going to do some work you have been putting off anyway.

So Many Lies

Procrastinators tend to tell themselves little while lies such as: "I am a perfectionist so if I'm going to do something I'm going to do it right" or "I'm almost ready to get started" or "I'm working on it, it will be done soon" or "I need more information before I get started" or "I'll get started tomorrow when I'm refreshed" or "I have a few things to do first" or "I work better under pressure" or "I just need more time." Can you notice what is happening here? It's just one excuse after another isn't it?

We're not here to tell you that these excuses are necessarily complete untruths but if these phrases are familiar to you then you might just be a serial procrastinator. You probably tend to spend a lot of time convincing yourself of these lies and ultimately you will most likely believe them to be totally true. The major problem with this approach is that it will ultimately bring no long-term satisfaction to you at all. In the short term you are off the hook but the list of tasks you need to complete gets very long and you start feeling very unhappy. Sound familiar? If you do tell yourself these things, stop it immediately! You are just lying to yourself. Stop the lies and accept the truth. Find the real reason for your procrastination.

Find A Solution

It's time to stop, take a deep breath and think for a moment about why this is happening. What could the "payoff" be? What is reinforcing the behavior? What is making you want to procrastinate? Do you like drama? Do you enjoy the rush of having to get lots of work done in a short amount of time? Do you hate being told when to do work? Do you want to have a great time first and do your school work later? Are you worried your friends won't think you're "cool" if you do your school work and hand everything in on time?

Instead, just take a moment and think about it. Think about what the payoff is for you. Think about what it is that reinforces why you should procrastinate. There has to be a payoff. No-one does anything they don't want to do without a payoff being involved. So what's yours? Is it because you don't like being told what to do? It is because you want to be in control - even if that means failing? Is it because you fear what your friends will think if you get your work done and act like a good student? Is it because you think it will be too hard? Is it because you don't know where to start and are hoping someone will help you? What is making you believe procrastinating is a desirable action? Think hard here. What could it be?

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Abundance And Prosperity - They Are Coming For You

By Zoe Smith

In order to be wealthy in every area of your life, you need to understand and own abundance and prosperity as your divine right. Wipe the slate of your mind clean. Do not let doubts and past disappointments keep you from discovering your best today. The prosperity laws as outlined below will guide you into experiencing the abundance of a blessed life that is yours if you choose to take it.

1. Attract positive vibes. Do you know what kind of energy you are attracting? By this I mean what thoughts are you actively entertaining? Are they thoughts that bring sadness or excitement in your life? This is important because the things that preoccupy your mind and heart find its way out into the physical realm where your senses can eventually perceive it. Think rich, be rich. Let your desires and thoughts undergird the strength of your will and expect circumstances to follow suit before long.

2. Take the reins of your life. Too many of us blame somebody or something for their current lot in life. It's your life you have to live it. Even if regrettable things happen to decent people, you should not let that dictate your world views. You cannot stop certain things from happening but you always have a say on how you respond to it. Complaining and blaming will repel blessing from activating in your life.

3. See the good. This is not to mean that you will not have problems anymore because you will. There will be several incidents every day that will challenge your convictions and inner peace. Decide right now that you will see the good in the world and keep this faith no matter what. Many cannot let go of hurts and bitterness but you have to because you cannot move on with it weighing you down. Be grateful for the simple pleasures that present itself to you every day and you will see more of them in the world around you.

4. Purpose a quality consciousness in the now. Forget the dark legacy of the Past. It's time to step into the light of Now. Today is a new day to live your dream into reality. Every thought, every choice you make is another brick into the prosperous future you are building. Reject negative energy and consistently meditate on your forthcoming abundance.

5. Have a confident expectation of your success. Your decision to make your life meaningful will be tried during times when nothing seems to be working out for you. Believe anyway. Be assured of the fact that these truths have been in operation ever since the world began and it will surely work in your favor. See beyond the natural problems - they will pass soon enough. Expecting an abundant life will unconsciously let you act in aid to the prosperity laws of the world.

6. Put these truths to the test. Yes, you heard me. I challenge you to practice these principles and see if your life is any different because of it. You may find it difficult at first to break your old way of thinking but nothing is more worth your efforts that doing it today-- your abundance and prosperity are waiting.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

The Purposes Of Sun Self Tanning Products

By Haywood Hunter

Since the Invention of cosmetics, the Sun Self Tanning Products has been found in the market people have bought and used them. They are greatly appreciating the God sent products, which have created a huge difference in their lives. As a result, individuals are achieving the color of a tan. It is believed that the product gives much more realistic results to users, who are left satisfied and make a repeat purchase than those in the recent past. The latter were quite unrealistic.

People get better and have an even tan as a result of using them. These Sun Self Tanning Products is considered a better option by users, rather than exposing your skin to the damaging rays. They are known to get people in this aging lane faster than usual. You find that more people are in favor of them, rather than the traditional sunbathing and its dangers. They have become more evident to peoples are increasing getting to be appreciated by more people.

During the sunny periods, people are busy looking to have a tan, and appear and feel good. Busy people have less or no time to sunbathe, because of the nature of their surroundings. They too can get a tan and feel good looking, thanks to the Sun Self Tanning Products, which are readily available and accessible. They do not need to be handled by a specialist, the user use them at the convenient time and place.

They are of various kinds and meet each individuals need. Sun Self Tanning Products includes Lotions, Sprays, Bronzes and Pills. The users chose what best suits them as per their skin type. This Product take about 45 minutes or more to give a gold tan to your body. Sun Self Tanning Products last for three or more hours on the body after use and the user in more likely to feel good and wish the feeling never goes away.

They preserve the skin, therefore making the user age gracefully. The highest percentages of those using Sun Self Tanning Products are women. It is said that, they use them consistently, to achieve better results, hence, creating a boost in their self esteem. With time, we find that more women are using Sun Self Tanning Products, because of their widely known health benefits. Every woman wants to walk around looking and feeling good, just like their friends.

Getting a tan especially during the sunny period is a trend being observed nowadays. This is because of Sun Self Tanning Products increase awareness of its health benefits and the great looks it comes with. It easily turns more heads on ones direction, as they walk down the busy streets, hence giving a feeling of satisfaction.

They moisturize bodies of people and keep the skin more health and in a good condition, in addition, they keep the body flexible. The user is always left feeling energetic. Further, unlike with other ways of maintaining a good look. The amazing Sun Self Tanning Products are popular for not making your skin to become inflamed and redden.

The way forward in this health-conscious generation is to use Sun Self Tanning Products. This is so as to be like the rest. Most importantly you stand out from the rest.

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Elements Of Good Dental Center

By Jade Milas

If you are searching for a new dentist office, heading to the nearest one is not necessarily a good solution. Selecting the best dentist office may take lots of time and effort on your side. In picking the right dental care, you must study and complete a study on different factors that you may want to think about when picking the best dental office. This process might oftentimes lead you to uncertainty. Today, you can lessen the sensation of doubt and fear by employing this strategy tutorial to look for the ideal dental center.


Before you depend on a certain dental clinic for your family, you need to consider the location or perhaps the nearness of the clinic. Try to take into consideration the distance of the dental clinic from your house and see the amount of time you require to get to the dental clinic. The ideal places for dental clinics are the most accessible ones like those which are found in a strip mall or shopping mall. It is also ideal to locate a clinic which has many parking spaces. The problem of these easily obtainable places is that the rental fee is higher due its perfect location. If you're low on budget, you may search a dentist office located in smaller towns near you. Such areas provide you very affordable rate which you can manage to pay.

Office Hours

The perfect type of dental clinic is the one that will provide extended service hours and that is open on weekends. In case your not sure which dental clinics to select from, pick one which opens at 9 AM until 5 PM and beyond. In case you will be seeking emergency dental services, you ought to have your dentist emergency contact number to deal with the issue immediately. Several of the very best dental clinics are found at hospitals which are normally open 24 hours.

Customer-Friendly Employees

Its important that you know the way the dental clinic's personnel caters their customers. Were they kind, courteous and accommodating? You can quickly assess a great service by how they converse and interact with their patients. A clinic which employs good communication skills, hospitable and also have front-desk employees that can answer all of your questions is a must to go for.

Employed Facilities and the Dental professional Background

The very best dental clinic is the kind that provides more than just the basic dental services just like cosmetic dental services or those with multiple dental services like dental surgeries. Just remember this, the more services the better. When referring to dentists, one thing's for certain, you want to select one which is aware of just what he's carrying out and is innovative in giving dental services. Moreover, the dentist must also be aware of the most recent updates in the field of dentistry as well as the advance equipment being utilized to provide unrivalled dental services for the sake of their customers.

Dental Clinic's Overall Ambiance

Since dental procedures are normally discomforting and stressful, a great dentist clinic is the one that has a calm and warm ambiance. The ideal dental office's environment varies for each individual, so you must assess the ideal clinic by yourself. Are you searching for a clinic that can give you utmost privacy? How clean is the waiting area? Is all equipment in good shape? Is the whole area smells fresh?

Dental clinics must also be aware of infection control and in keeping their tools and equipments sterile. Dental clinics should always be clean, fumigate if necessary and be free from infection based on the universal standards. Feel free to inquire the employees on the cleaning procedures they make use of to make sure that all their equipment and office is completely risk-free and totally free of potential infections.

Prices, Policies, and Procedures

When going to a prospect dental clinic, take some time to talk about their pricing, policies, and procedures. Ask inquiries concerning insurance (if you have one), charges for cancelled and appointments, and dental plans. If you or among your loved ones requires a surgery that is not covered by your insurance, ask about payment plans for surgeries and procedures. Dental clinics which bring you pocket-friendly services at the same time as best deals is what you need to pick.

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