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Saturday, May 17, 2014

With Yoga Newmarket ON Enthusiasts Achieve New Levels Of Self Fulfillment

By Rosie Stafford

That there is a massive word wide need for self improvement, personal development and individual growth simply cannot be disputed. Bookshops are crammed with an astonishing variety of books that promise readers that they can lead more fulfilling lives, and that they can improve any aspect of their lives. Countless internet sites are dedicated to the topic too. However, by doing yoga Newmarket ON resident feel that all their personal development needs are satisfied.

Asana, as it is also called, is an ancient philosophy consisting of many different facets. It is still largely misunderstood. Many people think that it is a form of religion. Others believe that it is nothing but a specific discipline for physical fitness. It is much more than that, however. Experts describe it as a holistic philosophy that addresses the minds, bodies and spirits of those practicing it.

Nobody knows exactly where Asana originated. What is known as a fact, however, is that a Hindu philosopher named Vivekananda who first introduced it to western societies. It was an immediate hit. Asana gained hordes of followers almost instantly and it has never stagnated. It is now practiced globally by millions of people of all ages.

A lot of people see Asana as nothing more than a system consisting of a wide variety of specific poses and stretching exercises. This is true, but the exercises and poses are used to achieve many different goals. They certainly help the practitioner to improve both balance and flexibility, but most exercises and poses are also used to demonstrate very specific spiritual principles.

One of the biggest attractions of Asana is the fact that students are under no pressure whatsoever to keep up with other students or to master new techniques. Classes are almost always mixed but students only learn new movements and poses when they feel ready. There are no competitions and just about everyone can take it up. Age, gender and even physical abilities simply do not play a role.

Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the medical benefits offered by Asana. It has been found that those suffering from asthma and chronic pain experience considerable relief soon after taking up Asana. There are also definite links between the practice of this philosophy and improvements experienced by cancer patients. In addition, those suffering from conditions such as depression and anxiety have reported considerable improvements.

It is easy to get going. There are literally thousands of excellent websites that show beginners how to start and that offer advice. There are also numerous books on the subject. Of course, many people feel more confident by joining classes. These can be found in almost every town and city. Newcomers must remember, however, that there are different approaches to the philosophy.

Yoga has become immensely popular. It offers practitioners a holistic approach to their own well being. The philosophy does not place any pressure on any practitioner. As an added bonus, practicing Asana does not involve costly gear or outfits. It can be done anywhere.

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