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Monday, November 18, 2013

Getting Motivated To Study Is As Easy As AMP

By Lachlan Haynes

If you're reading this then motivation may be a challenge for you. Perhaps you feel you have no drive, perhaps you struggle to get excited about what you do each day, or perhaps you just want to unlock the mystery of your own motivation levels. Well taking an interest is the first step. Do the words "if then" mean anything to you? Do you know how it relates to your motivation?

"If then" rewards and punishments are simple to understand. If something happens, then something else happens as a result. For example, if you don't go to school, then your parents will ground you. If you help clean the backyard, then your parents will end the grounding. Makes sense doesn't it? There are punishments for "bad" behavior and "rewards" for good behavior. It's motivation 101!

"If then" establishes clear rewards or punishments for action or inaction. However, it also has a tendency to create less than desirable outcomes. How so you may ask? Well, if you only do things because you know you will be either rewarded or punished, what happens where there is no reward or punishment? Aren't you simply responding to external danger or pleasure rather than to your internal calling?

"If-then" rewards also encourage unethical behaviour (like achieving the desired objectives using questionable actions such as stealing or cheating), create addictions (like believing that if I do something I should be rewarded at all times otherwise I'm not going to do it) and foster short term thinking (like I'm just aiming for this goal alone and not worrying about any other consequences of achieving this target).

Motivation is not about manipulating behavior. Motivation is something that comes from within and dictates your entire way of being. If you feel compelled to act and then you do act - you are motivated. If you think you "should" act, you are not motivated. Something is missing.

Behavioural scientists Harry Harlow and Edward Deci identified the true formula for motivation. They found that the motivation formula is = Autonomy + Mastery + Purpose.

Their research identified that the secret to high levels of performance is actually our deep seated desire to direct our own lives and be in charge of what we do with our time and how we do it (our desire for autonomy), to extend and expand our capabilities and the urge we have to get better and better at something that really matters to (our desire for mastery), and the longing to do things in the service of something larger than ourselves (our desire for purpose).

If you honestly and objectively look at the three elements that create motivation and assess how closely they align with your life, it may become quite clear why you don't feel motivated. If you aren't in control, if you're not taking charge, if you're spending your time doing things that don't inspire you, if you're not learning and expanding your capabilities and improving yourself each day - you simply won't feel motivated. It's not possible. It breaks every rule of motivation. So honestly assess where your life is and you will find your answer. Good luck!

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