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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Appear Vigorous Safely Using The Sun Labs Dark Sun Set

By Haywood Raptis

Today society covets the image of a vigorous healthy athletic individual with an outdoor flair. This has not always been the case as society once shunned deeper skin tones. The current dilemma is that higher skin melanin is coveted, but the UV radiation is a known carcinogen, making products such as the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set an important image tool.

Through the ages, cultures have had different opinions about what constitutes beauty. When it comes to exposure to solar rays, the resulting deeper skin hues have had a turbulent past. In some cultures, exposure was something to be avoided at all costs, it is unfortunate that they did not have the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set product to get darker skin tones safely.

It became something famously attributed to European high society, and those who wished entrance to such an elite group would do what was necessary to appear to fit in. The so called blue bloods were famously without color, so ladies would use makeup to lighten their face and even pain on simulated blood vessels. Compared to the swelling number of people using the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set for the opposite effect, it is indeed ironic.

About a hundred years ago, people still believed that if one had the king of glow one gets from using the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set, then one must be of a lower class. Only those who engaged in manual labor like construction or farming were exposed long enough to get darker. It is ironic that now people clamor to find products like the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set to achieve a healthy look.

The shift began early in the twentieth century when doctors began realizing the health benefits of solar radiation. It was purported to assist in the treatment of such ailments as tuberculosis, then the second leading cause of death. The health driven shift propelled exposure to new heights, and many consequences of exposure could have been prevented with the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set product.

The desire to develop greater melanin content in the skin saw more and more people intentionally outside for the health and beauty effects. Before the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set became available, a fashion model appeared with a very deep hue and set a true global tanning fad in motion. Without the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set to get it easily, many sunburns and episodes of overexposure ensued.

The newborn love for solar exposure sent people to the beaches and other sunny destination in droves. The stigma was over, the new look was athletic, and the search for methods like the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set was on. Better tonal quality meant more leisure time spent having fun outside, but using the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set could have prevented ultraviolet exposure.

Today looking attractive and deeper skin tones go hand in hand. While the natural method of getting it is easy, it is fraught with danger, as we now know that irradiated skin is susceptible to cancer. The Sun Labs Dark Sun Set product allows one to look beautiful without the health risk.

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