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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

For Patients In NYC Dialectical Behavior Therapy Can Be Life Altering

By Joyce Sanders

There have always been members in any society that display behaviour that are deemed destructive and disruptive. Many of these people are suicidal, others harm themselves regularly and many others suffer from severe mood disorders. Unfortunately, society often shun these sufferers, thinking them mad or anti social. It is true, however, that they can be diagnosed and treated. In NYC dialectical behavior therapy has helped many mentally ill patients to once again enjoy life.

This treatment techniques was first developed by Marsha Linehan from the University of Washington. Its original purpose was to treat people with borderline personality disorders and those that are chronically suicidal. It soon became clear, however, that the techniques could also be used in the treatment of many other disorders, including eating and mood disorders. Survivors of sexual abuse and those inclined to harm themselves have also been treated successfully.

DBT is a revolutionary combination of existing cognitive treatment methods and other techniques that are mostly derived from Zen Buddhism. Cognitive treatment involves ways in which to control the emotions. This is deemed important, but the additional Buddhism components also help patients to deal with stress, to become mentally more aware, to face reality and to accept the consequences of their actions. Patients undergoing this program made fewer suicide attempts and the drop out rate is much lower.

There are two components in every DBT program. Firstly, patients attend a psychotherapy session each week. In between sessions, patients can contact the therapist at any time. During these sessions patients are helped to examine the underlying reasons for their destructive behaviour. They also learn how to cope with or avoid situations that can be distressing and they are lead towards devising ways in which they can improve their own lives.

The other components consists of once a week group sessions lasting more than two hours each. In these sessions patients learn that they are not the only once suffering from destructive behaviour patterns. They share their experiences and the encourage each other to apply techniques that will help them control any destructive impulses. A high premium is also placed on teaching patients how to interact within a group.

Treatment programs are not scheduled for specific periods. Each patient progress at the pace that is comfortable to him. Typically, however, patients need to be part of a formal treatment program for at least six months. In some cases it can be significantly longer, especially if the patient is not motivated to succeed. Patients that recognize the fact that they have a problem progress much quicker.

DBT has some critics too. They say that therapists design their programs to deal with a single disorder. This will not produce results, they say, because most patients suffer from a number of disorders that must all be treated simultaneously. Critics also lament the fact that no research is conducted to follow up the progress of patients that have completed treatment programs.

People suffering from mental disorders used be be scorned by society. They were described as mad, disturbed or plain stupid. Thankfully, programs such as DBT can help such patients to regain fulfilling and productive lives.

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