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Sunday, June 12, 2016

What Happens When You Let Go Of Trying To Figure Everything Out

By Evan Sanders

Let go of knowing and allow your heart to dance with the great mystery of it all.

Could you try?

Could you release your grip on the future? Could you really let go of trying to understand what's going to happen next?

What if you let life become a giant surprise and you stopped trying to figure it all out?

Would you finally allow yourself to destress and let go of the anxiety that's always present when trying to live in a time you can't actually ever get to?

Doesn't that sound amazing?

What could be more exciting than that?

Maybe, you could dance with it all.

Maybe you could let go of trying to know everything and actually sit in the true cluelessness we all really function in.

The future is something that completely eludes us and we should leave it that way.

We try to figure it all out because were scared of being blindsided and therefore we use our shallow minds to project something into the future that doesn't even happen 99% of the time.

Because when we think we have this thing called life locked down...

That's when we get the rug ripped out from underneath us.

So instead, let all of the things you don't know about life be everything that inspires you rather than scares you. Seek to constantly learn every single day and allow yourself to constantly improve upon your life. After all it is your greatest masterpiece.

If you truly understand this...

You will learn for the rest of your life. You will learn every single day and change constantly as a human being.

So let go of the future.

Dance with the great mystery of it all.

About the Author:

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