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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Single Most Important Reason To Let Go

By Evan Sanders

"Don't be afraid to let go. Every new adventure begins with the ending of another." - The Better Man Project

Why are we all so frightened to let go of things in our life?

Honestly, it mostly revolves around the idea that we don't think we will find anything better.

We believe somehow that the past is better than the future because we actually have things to hold onto rather than traveling into the unknown.

But when you really look at it, we live in a world full of "one thing ending and another thing replacing it." It's just our minds that keep us stuck always thinking about things that happened in the past. It's our minds that keep us out of living in the present moment.

This is absolutely true in relationships. Many times you have to walk away from someone and the pain feels unending. But the reality is that there was probably someone before that person who you had to heal from as well.

Then that new person came in and healed the wounds you were carrying.They soothed the pain that was turning you inside out.

And if that relationship falls apart, it will happen again.

And another after that...

One day...someone will come into your life who will completely knock your socks off and love you in a way that you will never want to end. They will refuse to leave you because you mean that much to them and will do anything to keep you.

That will be one of the best days of your life.

So until that day, you have to keep to your faith and understand that life is a grand series of challenges and victories for those who really decide to live.

Notice how I didn't say "want."

These lessons can be difficult and they can harbor a lot of pain, but they are exactly what's necessary to help you grow and move forward with your life.

You will always learn and always grow if you stay open and willing to experience everything that life has to offer you.

That's a very good life. That's a very happy life.

Continue trusting your path.

About the Author:

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