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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Without This, Nothing Will Work

By Evan Sanders

2016 isn't going to be your year if you aren't willing to be patient enough to see your dreams through all the way to the end.

Obstacles and challenges are a natural part of the process, and they will come your way, but you have to have the patience with yourself and with the process to keep on going.

Another crucial aspect to chasing your dreams is who you surround yourself with. If you surround yourself with people who are constantly taking away your positive outlook on life and putting down your intensity, you're going to fail. It's important to have people who believe in you and who will support you on this path towards your dreams because the path is hard enough as it is.

Never let anyone in this world dull your flame. You were born to shine. You were born to express yourself fully.

Never tone yourself down to make someone feel less insecure about the fact that they are not chasing their dreams.

Live your life loud and dream big.

Live with passion, focus, determination and strive to achieve your dreams every single day.

Because if you fail to follow your passions, this year will be exactly like last year and the same old story will repeat itself over and over again. Eventually, you wake up one day and realize that your entire life passed you by and you never gave it the chance it deserved.

But it's so crucial that you surround yourself with positive people who will give you the energy and support you need to chase after your dreams. If you don't, you're going to be in very bad shape. You're going to suffer the consequences of constant negativity.

Bad relationships are like a toxic wasteland. They will seep into your own personal relationship with yourself, your spirituality, your body and everything else. You must eradicate these relationships in order to truly step into your dreams. With bad energy around you, you will be giving time to things that you should be spending elsewhere.

Your internal critic is harsh enough, you don't need other people putting negativity into your heart.

So this year, dream big. Live big. Live out loud. Surround yourself with amazing people and move forward into what you truly deserve.

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