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Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Hidden Costs Of The Hustle

By Evan Sanders

I'm sure you know this, but the dream is free.

However, the hustle is going to cost you.

Chasing dreams can be incredibly exhausting but thoroughly rewarding. While you essentially work Sunday to Sunday, you end up relishing the opportunity to get ahead and get one step closer to creating something that really matters. You see an opportunity that needs to be seized and constantly move forward towards achieving it.

Welcome to the grind.

The grind is going to take everything you've got.

Your vision is going to demand that you put forward your best effort, work yourself past where you thought your limits were, and to dream as large as you can. There's nothing like chasing a dream and riding the roller coaster of exhaustion and pure excitement at the same time. But this is how it's meant to be. It's what comes along with doing what you love.

You also have to be willing to listen to the deep internal voice that guides you on the journey you are supposed to walk instead of always letting the internal critic question what you are doing.

On your journey, people are always going to give you advice and counsel you on what you should be doing with your life. Naturally, you should listen to the advice they are going to give you but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to take it. Instead, listen to yourself and what you know is right and head in that direction no matter what.

Again, welcome to the grind.

So embrace the hustle, embrace the pain, and embrace failure. These are all elements of success. Have faith that if you keep going towards what you love with determination, you may ultimately arrive right where you were meant to be.

Invest in the hustle, it will never let you down.

About the Author:

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