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Monday, November 23, 2015

Uncertainty Is Really A Beautiful Thing

By Evan Sanders

There's really no such thing as certainty.

Despite our best efforts to create the future, life is pretty uncertain.

When you really look at it uncertainty is absolutely beautiful. When you live in a world brim-full of uncertainty, you give yourself the chance to live in possibility and be truly happy. Those two things come together only when you let go of the past and future and come back to this moment. When you begin to try to separate yourself from uncertainty by trying to paint what your future is going to look like, that is when you can begin to get into a pinch of difficulty.

The future can be incredibly exciting but you really don't have much control over it at all. You can also get completely stuck in living in the land of the future and it can destroy your life just as much as being stuck in the past. There's really nothing worse that disconnecting from your friends, family, and own life as you sacrifice everything for grasping at ambitions.

I should know. I spent most of my life living in the "promise" of the future.

I ran from my past and refused to live in the present moment.

Goals and dreams are fantastic things to have in your life but you have to be careful that you don't shut everything down to achieve them. Sometimes, the price we pay to seek out our ambitions is often far greater than what we achieve. Without staying completely grounded in this world, we sacrifice ourselves and everything around us for the dancing shadows of the material.

My problem was that I looked at the future as a location where it might all turn out and everything would be alright. Wrong. You need to be okay with what is going on today. When you can really live in the moment and let the uncertainty of the future handle itself, happiness creeps in.

Learn to tap into this moment and appreciate it for what it is. That's all we're able to do right?

The land of uncertainty is beautiful.

About the Author:

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