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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Some Facts About Past Life Regression Bellingham Wa

By Mattie Knight

Past life regression is a kind of hypnosis method that will allow people to know what they were in their past lives. Although many have regard past life regression bellingham wa as just a form of delusions or psychological issue, the coincidences are uncanny if one ask a person about doing this. If one is interested to know about this, here are some facts to know that may be of interest.

Now if one is going to undergo this kind of technique, then he will be under a hypnotic spell where he will be answering a few questions which will make him remember what he did during his earlier life. These hypnosis techniques are used to force some of the old memories that are stored in the subconscious that have not yet been awakened. These are in fact hidden memories that may come out eventually.

Now just to know about the history of this method, the earliest records can actually be found in theological works that come from the Indians and the Chinese. Now in India, Patanjali emphasized this method in the Yoga Sutras and said that it is possible to do it while meditating. Of course he also tells about the caste system of Hinduism wherein one will be accumulating karma to determine what he will be when he reincarnates.

In Chinese literature, there is a deity known as Meng Po who erases the memories of the souls so that when they reincarnate, they forget what they were. Of course some people were able to still find out the memories that they had before. It was only slightly mentioned of a way to be able to do this kind of thing.

Nowadays, people from all over many fields have been wanting to take a crack at this method in order to study it. Take the French teacher Allan Kardec for example who was very much interested in this type of technique. His research lead him to discover that this type of technique was already made during the fifties and was practiced by both mediums and hypnotists.

Now this technique is practiced in both the East and the West. In the East, Chinese astrologers would make use of numerology in order to know what happened during the past lives of a person. Numerology was also known to predict the future actions and state of being of people was well.

In the West, this regression technique takes a more scientific and psychological approach wherein some believe that the present problems of a patient is due to their previous lives. It is because of this that they use hypnosis to dig deep into the memories of these people. Of course this technique is still quite controversial in the psychology world as reincarnation has not really been scientifically proven.

So if one would want to learn more about this technique, maybe he should try it out. In the city of bellingham wa, there are actually a lot of practitioners of this art. Many mediums and hypnotists can be found there who do this technique.

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