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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Moving Mountains With Encouragement?

By Evan Sanders

Encouragement is one of the most powerful things there is.

Everyone needs someone in their corner who really believes in what we are capable of. That person really could be anyone, but we need to have this person there who can raise us up when life gets the best of us. It's amazing how life seemingly continues to knock us down at the most imperfect time. But when we have a strong support network, we can quickly get back up even through we may be in fear.

Encouragement is the dose of support our world actually wants.

Encouragement is important. It's not motivation or inspiration, but instead it is about bringing in a little bit of light into peoples lives. If we can bring in some light to people who may not actually have a support system or who are completely lacking encouragement in their day to day lives, well, then aren't we living a good life ourselves?

Our world can be pretty cruel at times. With all of the gossip and negativity floating around, it's hard for people to keep a positive mindset about what is possible for themselves. Our society loves tearing people who have risen to the top apart and watching our heroes fall.

Who knows why our world has ended up that way, but what is for certain is that people tend to fall into darkness more than they tend to fall into light. This is pretty discouraging when you think about it and makes it even more crucial to have people around us who will support us and lift us into the light when we need it.

This has to change. It really has to change.

It's time to start promoting what we love instead of constantly bashing what we hate. Hate does not lead to the building of dreams, the raising up of people or the promotion of light. Hate only leads to more hate. We need a whole lot more love and encouragement.

Encourage others. Be a strong supporter of what is possible for them. The world needs your ability to support others.

Without it, we will continue the same old story that has been going on for generations.

It's about time we start something completely new and bring a whole lot more light into the world. It's time we live in possibility instead of constantly promoting hatred. Our world needs it.

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