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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Patience? How To Be Successful Online

By Dawn Damico

Should you be Persistent to be Successful?

If you look in the dictionary, you'll see that one of the definitions for "persistence" is the "firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition..."

For a business owner, "Persistence" can be worn like a badge of honor. This idea builds upon the ideal of the rugged explorer who sets out to prove to everyone that the world is round. But, true explorer are few and far between. And...we all know that the world is round, right?

This can be true...sometimes.

And, James Wedmore says this when talking about How to have Online Success:

So what does that mean?

So what does that mean?

What type of leader would you describe as obstinate...unyielding...inflexible?

Where will persistence get you if you fail to see the bigger picture?

So the question you should be asking yourself is: Do you need to grind it out, be persistent, and battle resistance to build your business? Is being "persistent" the best way to get from where you are to where you want to be?

Now ask yourself: Does building a business really need to be this hard? Is persistence the only path to success?

Now...were you paying attention to what I just said? I didn't say that giving up was the only way. I simply said that by taking the time to listen to your gut and the soft (and sometimes loud) clues all around you, then you may find an even better, easier, and faster way to accomplish what you want and sometimes even more.

Did you catch that? You don't have to give up on your dreams.

It takes practice (or persistence) to become Patient! Patience is the "capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset..."

Every time you are able to experience patience, you sort of move into a "Zen" rhythm for doing business. Is patience the same as being passive?

Not true!

Nothing could be further from the truth!

It may take longer than you originally hoped; the path you take to get to your goal may not be what you originally mapped out; but because you are patient, confident, and have the ability to be flexible in your approach and adjust your sails as different and better opportunities present themselves, you can become successful.

The time frame of that success may not be what you originally anticipated; you may need to travel down different paths to get there; but because you are patient, confident, and have the ability to be flexible in your approach, you can become successful.

I've been there!

But even when that happens; even when you don't know when (or if) you'll reach your desired result; if you go through the steps of the process with patience and an openness, you will not only enjoy the journey, but get the most value from the challenges you face.

If you knew you couldn't fail...what would you do differently?

Would you focus more on the core business rather than waste your time on busy work? Would you hire that VA that up until now you have not have the money to hire? Would you finally write that book, create that training, or start giving those classes?

There are always a thousand reasons why we "can't" do something; reasons why it won't work. Rarely is it really about external factors.

Be patient...with yourself and with your business.

Set your goals; form good habits to get to those goals, and enjoy every step along your journey!

For even more information on How to Be Successful - check this out:

About the Author:

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