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"Spanish Version"

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Positive Words For A Negative World

By Eddie H. Gillis

When I asked myself if I consider the world a friendly or hostile place I quickly and smugly responded 'friendly'--then I was shocked to discover myself currently responding as if 'they're out to get me'. This morning I woke up thinking about a health assessment I agreed to participate in to lower my health insurance costs. What surprised me was HOW I was thinking about it--'as if they were out to get me and knowing they planned to use my personal health information against me'.

What can I say--I wasn't quite awake when I had these thoughts.When I examined the basis of these negative thoughts I discovered I felt controlled by the company linking my participation in taking the health assessment to lowering my health insurance premiums. For someone who values self-rule and freedom above all else, feeling controlled isn't a good thing.But never mind that. The point is at that moment in time I was viewing my world as a negative place with people out to do me harm--and that simply won't do.Granted, not everyone out there has our best interests at heart. Some people DO have wicked intentions. When you decide to view the world as a friendly place you don't throw common sense out the window. The old 'trust, but verify' still applies.

The Good news is that the breakthrough is still in your future, nothing has been cancelled and if you get rid of all your doubts and activate your faith, you will get the right things at the right time.Some things look impossible but impossible does happen in this world. Just because you don`t see anything happening doesn`t mean nothing is happening behind the scenes. Right now, behind the scenes, God is planning your future. He will move out obstacles out of your way and put the right things at right place.Don`t invite defeat and mediocrity in your life. Pay attention to what you are attracting into your life through your words. You may not feel healthy today but you have to say that you are healthy, you may not feel confident, but you have to call yourself confident. The circumstances may not say that you are prosperous but you have to say by faith that you are prosperous. If you can`t say anything good, don`t say anything at all. Don`t let your negative words keep you from God`s best. If you stop talking defeat, you will certainly see victory in every aspect of your life.he power of words cannot be over estimated. They are the most powerful things in existence.

'As If' thinking is a very powerful tool that can work for or against you. Since you are in charge of your thoughts you are the only one who can turn your negative 'As If' thinking into positive 'As If' thinking. When you catch yourself fighting that invisible enemy out to get you--pause--and choose to practice acting as if the world is a friendly place. Start by playing 'what if'--what if everyone in my world was out to help me achieve my greatest desires? What would your world look like? What options and opportunities would open up for you? For example:

Many of our most common expressions use negative words. How many times have you or someone else said, "I nearly had a fit." (I stopped saying that after meeting a young boy who suffered from a form of epilepsy that cruelly twisted and contorted him for several minutes each day.) Have you said, " I could have killed him," when some minor thing has bothered us. This fact of how we unwittingly say negative words was brought home to me, when I was living in another country and learning another language.

In our own language we say expressions without thinking, but in another language we tend to notice the literal meaning of words and phrases. For example, there is a phrase in Italian "Non vale niente," that means it isn't worth anything when often the thing is being compared to another thing, but it does not really mean that the object is not worth anything! Another phrase e.g. "morire di noia" means to die of boredom. Translated in a typical sentence could be "I am so sick of working, I hope to die of boredom when I retire." Obviously, a person doesn't really want to die like this when they retire.

The Book of Proverbs says it like this, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21, The Holy Bible) To doubt the power of our words on our lives as well as the lives of others who believe in what we say, will work against us, if we do not pay heed to ensuring that what comes out of our mouths is positive, good and right.

Let us look at a few examples. If you are in dentist's waiting room and the nurse comes in and says, "I do apologize for the delay, but the dentist has had to do an emergency treatment. I would be more than happy to help you if it more convenient for you to make another appointment.". Or if you have to walk into a supermarket and the manager explains "We are so sorry for the inconvenience, but we are changing the display to make it easier or our customers" If you are anxious about a situation and a friend tells you "Don't worry, everything will turn out alright." What a healing, calming effect those positive words have.

Words are containers. They contain positive things, or they contain negative things. They contain faith or they contain fear. They contain joy and peace or they contain worry and misery. And if those words ore wrapped in belief, then we will find ourselves having the same things that we say.If you and I desire to be truly successful in life, we must ensure that our words are positive and filled with faith. We must continually say that we are able to do what is in our hearts to do, and that we can accomplish great things because we have a great God.

Some of us are enslaved to negative and degrading words. In order to change our lives, we must change the contents of our words, so that they ring with success, victory and power. Here is how we can begin making that kind of change today:Learn to speak positively. Say what you want to happen in your life, not necessarily what is happening now. For instance, even though things appear to be going against you and your needs may be lacking, say, My God supplies all of my needs. He is my provider and all is well. When God wanted light, He called for it. He spoke it. He did not say what was. He said what He wanted. Adopt His method of operating.Watch your words. Every time you find yourself about to say something negative, stop yourself. Turn it around and say the positive instead. If you feel inadequate and unable to complete a task, instead of saying, "I just can't do it", say, "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me."Read the Book of Proverbs and see what it has to say about your words. It will show you the benefits of speaking good, wholesome and productive words, while at the same time revealing the consequences of speaking negative words.Your words do matter. If you desire to be successful, then speak words of success. Do it continually and persistently and you will find success coming your way.

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