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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to Overcome Fear of Flying Permanently

By Natasha A. Unzueta

Flying is one of the most common means of transportation for you to get from one destination to the next. However, there are some who are so overcome with the fear of flying that they simply to afraid to fly and will seek alternative methods of transportation regardless of the travel time. This fear of flying is often referred to as aviophobia.Compared to driving accidents, accidents on air are few and far between. This doesn't mean that they don't happen at all but statistics show that in-air collisions are rare.

Learn the Symptoms.This fear can manifest in numerous ways. To find the best treatment for your condition, you must know the common symptoms you may feel when experiencing an anxiety attack because of the object of your fear. The symptoms you will experience may vary. Sometimes you will experience a symptom you did not experience from your previous episode.

Flying is safer than you think. Flying is actually the safest mode of transportation. Even if it doesn't seem like it, your chances of being involved in an aircraft accident are approximately one in eleven million. Always remember that airplanes are designed and built to withstand even the wildest turbulences. Apart from that, airline companies make sure that their planes and pilots are in tip top shape every flight so you shouldn't worry too much.

Pretend that you're just riding a bus. Riding a bus doesn't really feel that much different from riding a bus, well except for the take off and landing part. Just close your eyes and imagine that you're just taking a bus ride. When you hit turbulence, just imagine that you're just on a bumpy road.If all else fails, drink some alcohol or take a sedative. Of course these are not long term fixes but if you really need to go somewhere and you absolutely hate flying then these can do the trick.Conquering a fear is one of the best feelings in the world. Don't let your fear of flying make you miss out on the wonderful opportunity of traveling to new places. Happy flying!

The fear of flying is a common phobia. There are different root causes of this phobia in people. Some individuals do not like losing control, others fear the plane will not make the destination, and sometimes it is about being confined in a tight space. Understanding the cause of your fear of flying will help you control it and get you on that plane to an important wedding, vacation, or business trip. There are six tips, which can help you get over your fear, onto the tarmac, and in the air. Following these tips may not solve your phobia overnight, but if you are committed and work hard you will certainly be able to fly with more comfort.

Accept Risks - Regardless of how much you prepare yourself from any eventuality, you will never really know when accident will strike. The same rule applies when flying on a plane. By accepting the fact that risks are always involved in everything that we do, you will be calmer and more accepting of the fact that your fear of flying can be remedied.It's estimated that approximately 50% of the population is afraid to fly.Fear is a problem. It fuels all types of anxiety disorders, and is usually linked to an unpleasant experience, or the belief that an unpleasant experience will occur. This idea is based on the psychological school of thought called behaviorism, which suggests that behaviors are learned through interactions with the world around us, and shape our behavior.

When we have negative life experiences, our behavior becomes conditioned to respond through avoidance or anxiety. Either you freak out when you have to fly, or you avoid flying altogether. The more flying is paired with anxiety, the more conditioned your response becomes. In time, simply going to the airport can trigger an anxiety attack.Our beliefs also add to our anxiety.

Learn some relaxation techniques:Even if you understand why you fear flying and know that the risk of anything actually happening is incredibly small, it's only natural to be tense and anxious when you finally do get on a plane. Before you take a flight, prepare yourself by learning relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation and visualization and start using them as far in advance as possible. The more relaxed you are before you board, the better prepared you will be to fly - and remember, it'll be easier the next time you get on a plane.

Booking shorter flights:At first you may want to book shorter flights as you work on your fear of flying. A short flight provides you a chance to test out your fear relaxation techniques, feel any turbulence and work up to longer flights. When your destination is across the country, you can still book shorter flights. You do not have to take non-stop flights. You could book a flight with one or two stops in between your destination in order to work towards the nonstop flight.

Educate yourself about flying:The more you know about something you fear the more you can begin to understand it. Ask questions about the flight when you speak with the flight attendant and book the flight.Alternative methods:Hypnosis is an excellent method that may help you overcome your fear of flying. The above tips in conjunction with hypnotherapy provided by an accredited and experienced professional therapist you feel comfortable with, may provide an all-around solution to your fear and get you past the gate and out to the runway.

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