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Friday, October 26, 2012

How To Enjoy Green Tea Extract Benefits More Conveniently

By Tom Nelson

Many health professionals agree with the benefits of tea. Even with no significant lab research, a lot of people from Far East Countries have understood the benefits. However with increased positive results from laboratory studies, the acceptance of tea has never been greater. Benefits include depression, weight loss, cancer prevention, lowering bad cholesterol and fighting against cardiovascular diseases.

In spite of the abundance of information explaining the green tea extract benefits, lots of individuals are still not consuming enough green tea. Many people are busy to produce and consume green tea on a daily basis. They may not enjoy the taste. They may not like the caffeine in the green tea.

Weight loss continues to be one of the more popular subjects associated with green tea. A lot of tea specialists are suggesting in order to gain significant benefits; one should consume anywhere between 4 to 7 cups of tea a day. Now that is a lot of tea. Even more importantly think about the level of work associated with making a glass of green tea. An individual needs to boil, brew and cool off the tea. That is a lot of time required to produce 7 glasses of tea and many people do not have that time.

Next is the taste. One may debate on this one, since there are many delicious green tea food items out there on the market today. There is latte, cake, boba tea, ice cream, and many others. Unfortunately all of these tea items include sugar that helps it to be tasty. The organic flavor of tea is quite bitter. Some people claim more the grade of tea, the bitter it gets. In case the reason for consuming green tea is for health rewards, including sugar is definitely a bad idea.

As mentioned earlier, green tea is recommended as a health benefit. Still this is often a issue for some because of caffeine. Green tea has substantially less amount caffeine than coffee. Still the overall quantity may add up particularly if more caffeinated drinks are taken as well within one day. Caffeine may be beneficial if consumed at a moderate amount. It assists with increasing stamina along with shedding pounds. If consumed a lot, negative effects may occur for instance sleeping disorder.

Great thing related to benefiting from green tea is that there are actually alternate options to consuming green tea. Consider green tea capsules. It is much easier to consume. No need for brewing or clean up. Nearly all tea tablets don't have sugar. These tea tablets just provide the pure organic antioxidants of tea. There is a selection on the amount of caffeine the tablets include.

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