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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Alkaline pH Foods - Maintain a Healthy Body and a Revitalized Energy

By Earl C. Davis

Alkaline pH foods provides all the nutrients that your body needs. The intake of this kind of food must be habitually practiced to gain a younger look, a better mood and a stronger body. Filling your body with alkaline foods that have lots of nutrients is the habit you will have to adopt on a habitual basis.

The foods you put into your body release alkaline or acid when they are metabolized. The body of a person requires an acidity level of 20 to 30% although this residue will give detriments to the health. In comparison, alkaline gives numerous benefits for improved health. Both of all of these residues must be collected in the body to balance the pH levels. Improper intake of alkaline and acid residues will cause your body to feel a lot weaker and tired. Hence, the proper ratio of alkaline and acid must be balanced. Maintaining and balancing the inner structure of your body is the right step towards a great and healthy life.

Too much acid in the body can give you some disadvantages. You will suffer various kinds of physical pains and ailments. A person who has too much acid in the body will feel more tired and weary. He will lack enough energy that will help him boost his body from doing some habitual activities. The worst part is - he will start inheriting various kinds of illnesses. Some of the usual illnesses of over acidity are muscular pains, joint pains, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, tuberculosis and depression. Over acidification also helps your body accumulate more fat causing you to become obese. That is why alkaline is a lot more dominant than acid. Controlling the percentage of acid you take is important to gain good health.

There is also a need to control and balanced your alkaline intake. Your body also needs about 70 to 80% alkaline. Do not make your body full of 100% alkaline. You must eat lots of alkaline foods and try to maintain the required percentage of alkalinity. It has to be a habit to eat fruits and vegetables as well as to drink healthy beverages. Staying healthy and vigorous is easily achieved through the intake of alkaline foods.

Consuming alkaline pH foods is the best lifestyle you can practice that will give a huge impact on your health. You will certainly stay fit and feel more active if you eat alkaline foods. Following this health guide is the best way towards your improved physical well being.

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