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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fast Food Dieting to Obtain a Healthier Body and a Stronger Marriage

By Tania Alt

Stay away from fast food if you want to have a healthy body and a healthy marriage. Yes, you heard it - fast food addiction could be a significant contributing factor to people needing divorce lawyers.

For a start, fast food is usually loaded with fat and sugar. That really helps you to load on the pounds and look attractive. Not.

As your arteries block up with fat your whole body starts to go down hill, but that is not the only killer.

Think of the stress it causes on your wallet. The average fast food meal costs about $7. Now if you're in the habit of upsizing it'll probably cost you $7.60 - yep, double the fat for 10% extra cost. Now that's value.

Now multiply that by two adults and three children and you've got a meal cost of over thirty five dollars. Add another five dollars in running costs to get to the fast food outlet and back home and you've got a forty dollar meal.

So now, compare that against the other option of purchasing some nutritious food ingredients from the grocery store. That may cost you, say, $15 in order to feed 2 adults and three kids and possibly 30-40 minutes to prepare the meal.

Ok, I can understand that it's not as convenient as buying fast food, however the consequence of habitually consuming fast food is not that convenient either.

Firstly, you're saving $25 or more on a meal. For a fast food addict, that could be $100 or more a week, or $5000 a year! And that's not to mention you're saving your health at the same time.

The pressure of financial stress is often a big contributor to divorce, and as you can see, living with a fast food addiction will contribute substantially to that stress. Could you visualize as an alternative investing $5000 every 12 months into your marriage and family?

What about taking a $5000 annual pay cut in exchange for some more annual leave time. That way you might get to spend some real time together and not be strangers under the same roof.

Just what else could a person do with another $5000 every 12 months? Pay off the mortgage much faster? Take your spouse out to some fine eating place every fortnight and paying a babysitter so that you are able to have some 'together' time?

So now I'm sure you'll understand. If you want a great marriage and want to keep the divorce lawyers away, keep away from fast food. It will be much better for your body, your wallet and your marriage.

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