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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Learn More About Guided Color Light Therapy

By Lisa Kelly

Generally, color and light therapy also called color toning is a procedure utilized because of its physiologic effect on the human body. The treatment is utilized in healing myriads of common disorders. The concept has existed for years and through advancements, the Guided Color Light Therapy is now used as a remedy to various conditions with various associated benefits from its use.

This technique is a noninvasive healing method. This technique is used to address various conditions. Some of the conditions addressed include jaundice in infants who are still premature. This is done through administration of blue lights. Other departments like navy or institutions like NASA use these therapies when addressing issues. These therapies are also used in the treatment of various forms of cancer in different centers that treat cancer patients.

Some of the conditions that can be remedied include depression, chronic fatigue, and seasonal affective disorders also called SAD, allergies, immune system disorders, and learning disabilities. It may also be used to remedy neurological problems, digestive disorders, and cancer. On the other hand, a person may not easily spot the color and light energies on their body. Nevertheless, it is their effects on the body that is relied on to remedy the various conditions suffered.

For example, when the body is exposed to direct sunlight, it traps rays that play an important role in the synthesis of vitamin D3 which assists the body in firming and making the bones strong. This means human beings need light in order to have various physiological in the body functioning properly. These electromagnetic components play a vital role in body development. When these energy particles get access to the body, they help in improving body functionality.

Such auras may never be spotted by humans despite the significant impacts that they pose especially on the internal organs. As such, the guided light and color techniques aim at supporting and improving this field of energy. You can easily utilize this treatment for self-healing and for healing others. Some forms of the treatment include using glass slides in toning sessions.

For cases that are minor, simple processes may be relied on rather than using high-powered lighting. Specialists normally aim at getting particular colors when relying on the treatment. The primary colors as well as generated colors linked to different attributes. For instance, the red is associated with passion, love, and even warmth. Red possesses many properties that aid in alleviation fatigue while also enhancing blood circulation.

It also assists in enhancing sexual desire by attracting hormones as well as the ovulation process. Indigo, on the other hand, is generated by combining blue and red. It is considered beneficial for individuals suffering mental illnesses. It is as well used in healing conditions that affect the eyes and ears. Pink can be used in restoring youthfulness and heals feelings such as sadness and grief.

Pink, on the other hand, is associated with restoring youthfulness as well as addressing grief and sadness. In addition, rheumatic inflammations are well addressed when blue light is used. This light is also used when it comes to treatment of a headache and hypertension. They also reduce hysteria making a person to lead a peaceful life.

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