When it comes to religious beliefs, there are a number of different names for God. In most, the Supreme Being refers to God, Jesus or the Holy Trinity. Although, there are others in which the term refers to a higher power or powers of a specific nature.
Theologians, scientists and philosophers often use the term God as defined by the Christian faith. While this is the case, philosophers may not see the term as being related to a higher power. In other cases, terms such as God the Father, Universe and others are substituted.
When it comes to those who believe in multiple aspects of one God or multiple deities such as gods and goddesses, these individuals are often thought to be pagans or heathens living outside the beliefs of the Christian church. While this is the case, there are also those whom believe in a single deity while still subscribing to many of the beliefs of ancient Greece and Roman times. Still, as most Christians see idols as being anti-Christian, most of those identifying as Christians do not subscribe to this type of belief system.
As paganism is often considered a rejection of God, many practicing neo-pagan beliefs often remain closeted. Whereas, many of those subscribing to Wicca are often shunned as devil worshippers by the more conservative Christian churches. In either case, religious freedom, at least in the United States allows each individual to practice and subscribe to the religion of personal choice. As such, while others may disagree, there are many still involved in neo-paganism and Wicca which practice and attend rituals on an ongoing basis.
In the well known religious sects, the term is used by a number of different traditions. In Islam, scholars use the term to refer to Allah which is Arabic for God. While in Sikhism the term related to the higher power is that of Wahequru, which means One God. In the Jewish tradition, there are multiple names for God though the most familiar and often used is that of YHWH which is often pronounced as Yahweh.
The terms for God are even more plentiful when it comes to a number of religious or spiritual ideologies. For example, when it comes to Jewish Mysticism known as Kabbalah, there are 42 different names for God based on various syllables and meanings. As such, while many believe God is One, or a Holy Trinity, there are others whom believe in one creative force.
Most often, scientists reject the creation and intelligent design stories of the Christian faith in favor of theories such as the big bang or evolution. While this is the case, there are now some scientists whom agree that God could very well have created the big bang or other theories as part of creation. Still, there are many more whom need verifiable proof before one can believe in the existence of anything, be it Supreme or otherwise.
Many positions related to the existence of a Creator, higher power or God can be positive or negative. For, some see God as a being of light and love. Whereas, others still believe in an angry and punishing one. In other cases, there are those whom believe in the Creator, or the creative source of the universe rather than that of a religious deity.
Theologians, scientists and philosophers often use the term God as defined by the Christian faith. While this is the case, philosophers may not see the term as being related to a higher power. In other cases, terms such as God the Father, Universe and others are substituted.
When it comes to those who believe in multiple aspects of one God or multiple deities such as gods and goddesses, these individuals are often thought to be pagans or heathens living outside the beliefs of the Christian church. While this is the case, there are also those whom believe in a single deity while still subscribing to many of the beliefs of ancient Greece and Roman times. Still, as most Christians see idols as being anti-Christian, most of those identifying as Christians do not subscribe to this type of belief system.
As paganism is often considered a rejection of God, many practicing neo-pagan beliefs often remain closeted. Whereas, many of those subscribing to Wicca are often shunned as devil worshippers by the more conservative Christian churches. In either case, religious freedom, at least in the United States allows each individual to practice and subscribe to the religion of personal choice. As such, while others may disagree, there are many still involved in neo-paganism and Wicca which practice and attend rituals on an ongoing basis.
In the well known religious sects, the term is used by a number of different traditions. In Islam, scholars use the term to refer to Allah which is Arabic for God. While in Sikhism the term related to the higher power is that of Wahequru, which means One God. In the Jewish tradition, there are multiple names for God though the most familiar and often used is that of YHWH which is often pronounced as Yahweh.
The terms for God are even more plentiful when it comes to a number of religious or spiritual ideologies. For example, when it comes to Jewish Mysticism known as Kabbalah, there are 42 different names for God based on various syllables and meanings. As such, while many believe God is One, or a Holy Trinity, there are others whom believe in one creative force.
Most often, scientists reject the creation and intelligent design stories of the Christian faith in favor of theories such as the big bang or evolution. While this is the case, there are now some scientists whom agree that God could very well have created the big bang or other theories as part of creation. Still, there are many more whom need verifiable proof before one can believe in the existence of anything, be it Supreme or otherwise.
Many positions related to the existence of a Creator, higher power or God can be positive or negative. For, some see God as a being of light and love. Whereas, others still believe in an angry and punishing one. In other cases, there are those whom believe in the Creator, or the creative source of the universe rather than that of a religious deity.
About the Author:
If you are searching for information about a Supreme Being, come to our web pages today. More details are available at http://www.theworldwidechurchofthesupremebeing.org now.
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