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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Audit Of Your Life

By Evan Sanders

A long time ago, I had a teacher give us a holiday pep talk right before Thanksgiving.

Absolutely everything he said was amazing, however there was one piece that truly struck me.

He said that we all must accept who we are if we are going to move forward with our lives.

What do I mean by this?

He meant that you should understand exactly where you are in life and know why you got there.

To take it a few steps further, it means that you truly have to look into all areas of your life and understand why they are how they are - relationships, money, job, body etc.

The other part of the equation is being able to see yourself as you are and not as you think you are.

Why is this so important?

Because the honesty is the thing in which you can build the foundation of your new life upon.

Going through this process allows you to step right into building a new life without trying to escape your old one.

If you can stop avoiding the past, come to terms with it, and then start focusing on moving forward...that's how you start building a new life completely. But if you don't clean up your past you are asking for serious trouble.

So, auditing your life...what does that actually mean in terms of implementation?

The best way of doing this is to get a huge piece of paper and write out exactly where you are right now.

This will give you the perfect opportunity to understand exactly what your life looks like at the moment.

Then, you have to ask yourself, "Where do I want to be?"

The other piece of this puzzle is to envision what is in the future for you and to work backwards from there.

If you do this piece by piece you can create milestones for yourself to build that battle plan of yours.

This will give you a milestone based path instead of going into something completely blind. Then, out of those big milestones, write little lists underneath of, "What do I know now & what do I need to know?"

Another aspect of the audit is understand what you don't know and what you do know. Making lists of all of the things you need to learn in order to become successful will always be a huge leg up for you.

So take some time to understand exactly where you are at and where you want to be. It will be worth it in the long run.

And this will help you achieve your greatest vision.

This process is pure magic.

About the Author:

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