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Friday, February 19, 2016

The Primary Aspect Of A Spiritual Experience

By Stephanie Reed

Focus is the primary aspect when it comes to recognizing a spiritual or religious experience. Whether an individual identifies as religious or spiritual does not automatically identify the person as a Christian. For, while most individuals who identify as religious are often born again Christians, there are other sects in which this is not the case. Whereas, most individuals who identify as spiritual though not religious are generally Pagan, Agnostic, Atheist or still searching for the ultimate spiritual experience.

The search for truth is a difficult journey. For, while some individuals claim to have found the truth, the light and the way, it remains something which has to be taken as blind faith. As such, there are believers, non-believers, searchers and skeptics living in most communities.

While some may find it hard to separate religiousness from spirituality, philosophers and theorists have shown it can be done. In most cases, these individuals agree that organized religion deals with issues related to a church building, congregation, minister, deacons, Sunday school teachers, choir, conductors and other leaders. Whereas, spirituality can be experienced by believers and non-believers while also being found in and outside church walls.

At one point and time, a number of psychotherapist subscribed to the idea that spirituality could be an active and successful aspect of treatment. Due to most Western traditions subscribing to, at the minimum, a generalized idea of a higher power, many have now turned away from using this spiritual approach. Whereas, there are others who have embraced a number of elements from Eastern traditions.

One of the best definitions of spirituality is that of Gendlin's. Being a theory that pays attention to the process of experience rather than the content, it is one of a kind. The feeling while emotionally moving also creates a physical response. As such, it is these implicit and vague emotional conditions which then merge with physical issues to create an overall release.

Spirituality could also be defined as an overall feeling of newness and transcendent growth after having participated in a physical experience which created an emotional response. While some believe this experience can be felt as a bodily sensation, others believe the feeling is psychological. Whether emotional, or physical, feeling any aspect of bodily change most likely also indicates an emotional response.

It should also be recognized that these experiences can be joyful or sorrowful. For example, it is often a joyous occasion when a friend or relative gets engaged. Whereas, when a friend or relative goes through a break-up, moves away or crosses over to the other side, it can often be a rather sad time. As such, it is important as we travel through life to learn how to handle these positive and negative emotional experiences and responses.

While there have been attempts by mental health professionals to use spirituality and religion in treatment, most have now moved away from the idea. For some, recalling religious childhood memories has been known to create more psychological issues. While in others, it just seems less than ethical to question an individual about religious or spiritual identity unless directly associated with an on-going mental or physical issue.

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