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Sunday, February 7, 2016

How Building Walls Can Destroy You

By Evan Sanders

"Before I built a wall I'd ask to know, what I was walling in or walling out?" - Mr. Robert Frost

I ask people a lot about building walls and what they are good for and I always get the same answer. "They are good for keeping things out."

But if you ask what else they are good for doing, you wouldn't believe the dead silence that would come your way.

"Hmmmm...I don't know!" Don't worry I'll give it to you. As good as walls are for keeping things out they also do a great job of trapping things "in."

This is exactly where the trouble is when it comes to our daily lives. We build walls for many reasons: fear, pain, regret, doubt, worry...I mean the list goes on and on. In fact, the more pain we go through the more walls we build. We build them higher, double back them, and try to make them indestructible all with the intent of keeping out those bad experiences again.

When you build walls to keep everything away from you, you hide your gifts inside your own personal little prison where no one else can see them. In fact, you are hiding your true self away from the world.

But it gets worse. Since you spent so much time building walls you never built any doors to help you escape from this prison when things get bad.

As life always likes to do, it shoots fiery arrows over your walls and starts to light everything on fire. You have no escape. You have no "out." Typically, peoples lives burn straight to the ground.

Walls are pretty bad for you. They can tear you apart.

When you shut yourself off from experience life in its fullest and everything that the world has to offer you aren't really living. You're just having an experience of surviving. You're doing whatever it takes to get by but not really out there in the world thriving.

These walls that you've built served you at one time in protecting your heart, but now they are just hurting you. They are hurting you because you can't grow from that trapped place anymore. You can't experience what you need to experience to help you continue to develop. The negative emotions stay out (for the most part) but those positive qualities that you have - the potential that you have discovered - those stay in.

The gifts you were given will never come out to play if you trap them inside of you.

That's the dead honest truth. You must tear down the walls if you really want to live an outrageously amazing experience in this world.

Yes, it will be scary. But when you make the decision to step into vulnerability you will remember it for the rest of your life.

Take a chance and tear down the walls.

About the Author:

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