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Monday, January 18, 2016

Into The Depths Of Your Heart

By Evan Sanders

While the depths of your heart can scare you to death, it ends up that it's a very pure place to go. It's a place of understanding and compassion if you can get past the fear.

These emotions that I feel within have been claimed by others to be intense and for whatever reason I have experienced some variety of negativity with this word. Perhaps it's the way that I am taking it? Maybe it's the way in which I interpret that word? Nonetheless, I am beginning to find this emotional force about life is essentially simpleness manifesting itself.

I'm hooking up and linking into the purity of a number of these feelings that I have not absolutely experienced before. Maybe that's the idea right there - fully experiencing emotions.

if we deaden the intensity of what is in our hearts we fail to live this life to its fullest. We succumb to mediocrity and suffer the consequences of not chasing after our dreams. There is no grander punishment to ourselves than this.

And yet, we all see to avoid the depths of our hearts because of the punishing feelings we go through when pieces of our hearts break. For whatever reason, we are taught to stuff things down and not feel them so we can pretend that we are doing ok. But does that really serve us in the long run? Does that make us better people?

That game is not for me...the playing it safe game in life.

And by risking it all, you have to run on faith and trust that your heart knows what's best for you. You need to be willing to put one foot in front of the next. You have to be willing to give it your best shot without knowing what's going to happen in the future.

Will it be scary? You can bet your money on it. Will it be worth it? Oh totally.

Time and time again you must travel into your heart to find your true self and start to function in a way that is actually connected and present with the world. If you can try that, there is no cap on what you may become.

So who will you be today?

About the Author:

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