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Thursday, November 12, 2015

It's Time To Take A Stand

By Evan Sanders

Take a stand for others.

It has been said that the measure of a great man or woman is not in their ability to take from the world, but in how much they give. It matters how much they are willing to stand for an idea greater than themselves and give back to a world in which so much has been taken.

In the end, that's what really matters.

We live in a world that is obsessed with obtaining as much material goods as possible.

Each and every single day we are surrounded by this concept that teaches us that it's a good idea to grasp and strive for obtaining things. This way of living has destroyed our ability to connect to ourselves, to others, and to our environment. Instead of constantly striving to obtain things, strive to bring some serious value into the world.

Time to step out of that old story and into a new one.

When you can step out of this story - the one of progress, progress, progress - and begin looking at what other people in this world truly need, you give yourself and others a gift. What is that gift? It is the gift of true selflessness. It is the gift of giving. You start to see that many people in this world are in dire need of support, love, and help on an elemental level and you have every ability to fill these desires in some way.

So give as much as you can to the world.

When you start giving, you end up being rewarded by life in the most incredible of ways. All of that good karma comes right back around to you and guides you in the direction you need to go.

It's time to start asking the good questions and take a stand for other people.

About the Author:

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