It may be easy for literary critics to dismiss romance novels as junk. They believe that the stories are poorly written and that most of the content is very shallow. However, people who write this literary genre tend to be very careful about what ideas they include in their true love books. They want their works to be appreciated as valid and interesting books and not disregarded by people who have never before read this style of writing. As such, most authors include several different themes in their stories to ensure dimension and intrigue with their readers.
To be considered a valid part of this genre, of course the story must have a central romantic theme. The tale may center on two people finding love with each other or overcoming difficulties of the past to learn trust with one another. The couples at the center of the tale may be compatible from the beginning. They likewise might have a contentious and angry relationship with each other until the end when romance triumphs.
However, more than the underlying romance, the novels touch on other themes that make the story as compelling as possible to readers. For example, those works that are set in medieval times might focus on a theme of women gaining equality with men and being treated as worthy of respect and notice. The heroine might match wits with her male counterpart throughout the book.
Other works of romantic literature take place in frontier days of America's settling. The author might include references to historic figures like Billy the Kid or Wyatt Earp to give the story more intrigue. It also shows that the writer knows what he or she is talking about to the reader. This angle hooks readers to the story from start to finish.
Some people may wonder why authors of these tales bother to include these ideas into their works rather than just focusing on the romantic aspect. Authors generally say that they want to give their characters dimension and make them more memorable to readers. Adding other themes to the story helps achieve that goal.
This effort is intended as well to give their creations legitimacy so that they can be viewed as something more than just a dime store romance novel. Romantic stories in fact have a legitimate place in the literary world, according to many critics who have the objectivity to judge the writing fairly. The novels help round out the literary industry that is known to many today.
As such, it may come as no surprise to writers that their fan bases are growing and now include an eclectic mix of readers. Along with housewives and stay-at-home moms who have always been the traditional fan base, readers now include college professors and working professionals. College students are also known to read these books.
True love in a novel may seem like a flimsy idea to people who consider themselves purveyors of fine literature. However, as many critics are coming to understand, the stories in the genre are now becoming more dimensional and featuring more complicated theme work. The fan base for these books also continues to grow each day.
To be considered a valid part of this genre, of course the story must have a central romantic theme. The tale may center on two people finding love with each other or overcoming difficulties of the past to learn trust with one another. The couples at the center of the tale may be compatible from the beginning. They likewise might have a contentious and angry relationship with each other until the end when romance triumphs.
However, more than the underlying romance, the novels touch on other themes that make the story as compelling as possible to readers. For example, those works that are set in medieval times might focus on a theme of women gaining equality with men and being treated as worthy of respect and notice. The heroine might match wits with her male counterpart throughout the book.
Other works of romantic literature take place in frontier days of America's settling. The author might include references to historic figures like Billy the Kid or Wyatt Earp to give the story more intrigue. It also shows that the writer knows what he or she is talking about to the reader. This angle hooks readers to the story from start to finish.
Some people may wonder why authors of these tales bother to include these ideas into their works rather than just focusing on the romantic aspect. Authors generally say that they want to give their characters dimension and make them more memorable to readers. Adding other themes to the story helps achieve that goal.
This effort is intended as well to give their creations legitimacy so that they can be viewed as something more than just a dime store romance novel. Romantic stories in fact have a legitimate place in the literary world, according to many critics who have the objectivity to judge the writing fairly. The novels help round out the literary industry that is known to many today.
As such, it may come as no surprise to writers that their fan bases are growing and now include an eclectic mix of readers. Along with housewives and stay-at-home moms who have always been the traditional fan base, readers now include college professors and working professionals. College students are also known to read these books.
True love in a novel may seem like a flimsy idea to people who consider themselves purveyors of fine literature. However, as many critics are coming to understand, the stories in the genre are now becoming more dimensional and featuring more complicated theme work. The fan base for these books also continues to grow each day.
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