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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

When Spirituality Matters Consider Agalliao

By Jana Serrano

There are words in scripture that are so profound that they become almost like mantras for those who understand the often many faceted definitions. Bible scholars present them as guideposts for meaning in every day living. These are the terms that, when well explained, have a literal meaning, and then a much more complex interpretation based on context. It is true that they very often excite the spirituality of those who come to know them.

There are very popular biblical words, such as agape, which describes the all inclusive love that Christians share with each other and the word. But a new word has become as meaningful in relationship to current cultural events. Now, this word agalliao is making a big splash in the spiritual world in many interesting ways.

This power packed word is defined as the acts of being glad, exulting and rejoicing. These are preceded with recommendations that all three should be done to the excess and far beyond. But it is not simply for the purpose of feeling happy. The feeling comes with implied action to empower life with good and solid joy regardless of what may come.

There are several books named with this inspiring Greek words. A series of books by David Sherman seeks to help people understand the many facets of meaning while applying these to daily life. He uses one literal meaning of the word, which is jump for joy, to describe an attitude toward life that looks for good in all things. Author Aaron Cornett also uses this inspirational word in his writings about practical uses for living within its definitions. Many Internet pages offer literary discussions about the original Greek understanding for life within positive action, each giving credit to God for the gift of being able to understand and live following its ideals.

For such a powerhouse vocabulary word, there are many that have adopted its meaning to use as a strong name for an organization of people working in harmony. One such group is the Development Initiative in Nigeria, working to eradicate hunger, illiteracy, illness and poverty in women and children. There is a praise band named for it, sharing joy with singing congregations. Reidsville, North Carolina is home to the Christian Temple. For many, this word holds the power of inspiration.

The Internet has numerous sermons, academic dissertations and essays devoted to the topic of unraveling the literal and illustrative meanings of this Greek term. It is viewed quite often as a power word. It is given recognition for the feelings it evokes, and also for the actions it encourages. Readers study it at length to see what import it may come to have in their everyday activities.

Taking a look at the in depth series authored about exceeding joy is a popular pursuit. Books like these help people to apply joy to everyday living. Many are also finding inspiration for taking completely new life paths.

Encouraging curiosity, this word gathers believers toward a common path. They learn to walk that path with joy. It is a way of living that offers positive contrast to an often difficult world.

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