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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Diet Information To Help Your Anti-Aging Skin Care Goals

By Jacob King

I:0:JAge spots, also called liver spots, are considered by most people to be something that we are not able to prevent. It is just something that comes with age. That is not the absolute truth, however. We are in a different time now. We have doctors to thank for this. A time of understanding things. An age of putting information together to help prevent unpleasant effects.

Recent studies have brought something of great importance to our attention. This is that age spots are actually preventable. Do I have your attention yet? Great, let me explain.

What are age spots? Age spots are only a formation of darker pigments in your skin that are made of oxidized unsaturated fats that have lots of iron. By telling you that, you should already know what to do. However, I will not leave it to chance. I am going to tell you how exactly how your diet can effect your looks. I am going to reveal what you should or should not eat to be a much younger and more beautiful looking person in the coming years.

First, everyone needs to cut out the unsaturated fats as much as is reasonable from our daily foods. This means you should watch the foods you eat. Try to replace margarine, vegetable oil, nut, and seed oils with saturated fats. Coconut oil, animal fats, and butter are much better options. They usually taste better as well. I know that a lot of you probably like olive oil. This is okay in moderation, but people should attempt not to heat it as it is more prone to oxidation. Remember, oxidation will lead to darker and more noticeable age spots.

What about iron? This is the next most important part of your food that you need to watch. Too much iron leads to darker age spots. If you take multivitamins, you are probably consuming way to much iron when it comes to age pigments. Try to cut down on your iron intake. If for some reason you still feel the need for your multivitamins, try consuming more coffee during your meals to prevent absorbing as much of the iron that you eat.

Now that you have those basic tips down, you will need to move on to a more advanced step. Balancing out your hormones will greatly reduce liver spot formation in the long term. Increased levels of estrogen cause your body to form age spots quicker, as well as cause you to absorb more iron. That being said you can see how important it is to keep normal hormone levels. Taking the pill will increase estrogen levels in many cases. Other factors that increase estrogen levels in your body are stress, the lack of protein, and improper liver detoxification.

Now, eat more chocolate! I know weird tip, right? Most health articles will not tell you to eat more chocolate. Well, the fact is that dark chocolate, shellfish, and liver are all rich in copper. Loading your diet with copper will again help you prevent storing too much of the iron that you eat.

The only other tip that I have, as far as your diet is concerned, is to include a larger amount of antioxidants in your daily diet. Antioxidants have the power to prevent free radicals. Free radicals are one of the most common causes of age pigment formation. You can increase your consumption of antioxidants by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

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