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Friday, January 11, 2013

How to Build Self Confidence With Affirmations

By Marianne R. Brown

This question was asked of me recently when I was recounting my journey from a shy, quiet, and socially awkward boy to an outgoing, fun-loving, and confident man. It occurred to me that while I had figured out how to nurture my own self-confidence, others are struggling with theirs every day. I don't like this at all.Everyone deserves to be self-confident and happy with themselves. You live with your perception of yourself 24/7 and it pervades every aspect of your life. If you are unhappy with yourself then it will manifest across your life - jobs that you hate, relationships that are no good for you, and friends that aren't very good friends.

Have a vision.If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there. You should have a clear vision of your goal. What does self-confidence mean to you? Who do you want to become? When will you know that you are self-confident? Write down all qualities that you need to develop in yourself to become a truly confident person.It's also a great idea to imagine your ideal lifestyle in every detail - where you live, with whom, what you do on a daily basis etc. Having a clear vision of your future life will make you more self-confident and more focused on your goals.

Then after you have set your mind into thinking only the positive things, think about what is important to you and what your goal is. Once you have discovered what is important to you and set a specific goal in achieving it, you will be inspired or motivated to take action and better yourself. Your speaking assignment is important; therefore your aim is to successfully finish it with a resounding applause or perhaps a standing ovation from your audience. That is more important than the obstacles hindering you from a well-delivered speech -- fear, shyness, nervousness, or low self-confidence.

All of these tips should prove very useful on your path toward self-confidence. However, remember that self-confidence isn't only about not worrying what other people think or having a vision - it's mainly about constantly expanding your comfort zone and improving yourself. Keep that in mind while building your self-confidence.Building a better self-confidence is an ever ongoing task. Even if you have a low self-confidence today there are ways you can improve it. One way to improve your self-confidence is to start with the inside of you. Here you are going to learn a few self-confidence tips to make this possible.

After you have undergone these steps, you should be ready to commit yourself to success. Obligate your self that you will confidently stand out there and deliver your speech like there is no tomorrow. Do this with willingness. Forcing your self to commit will not help. To be more exciting, try orally promising to yourself in front of the mirror that you will do your part with the best of your abilities. Good luck!

Affirmations work so why not give it a go? Maybe you'll meet someone special too.Zac Sky is a 27 year old entrepreneur, consultant, writer, motivator, data geek, and sports-lover, with a mindset for being positive, loving life, and experimenting. He is the author of " - Positive Happiness" a blog dedicated to personal development, productivity improvement, and lifestyle freedom.By age 25, Zac had gained two university degrees, drafted his first self-help book, and founded Sixteen Threads, an Australian software development company, which delivers custom mobile applications.First and foremost, resolve to spend the time it will take to learn how to build self confidence. Over time and with patience you will reap enormous benefits.

Just imagine.The ease with which you will make the most of your natural talents with self-confidence.Everything in life becoming easier and less frightful.Furthering your career.Achieving personal and life goals.By learning how to build self confidence you will use your skills and talents to ensure that you achieve this and much more. To start off here are some simple guidelines on to build self confidence.

When we lack self confidence, we tend to talk badly about ourselves or put ourselves down. Not necessarily to those around us, though sometimes we do. What I'm talking about is when you are all alone and you say things to yourself like, you'll never get that job, there are so many others more qualified than you, or who would ever date me, I'm a fat mess.

Create something in stillness. When you spend time alone and in stillness you feed your creative vein. Why do you think many poets, artists, authors, musicians spend time alone? Because the loneliness gives them the chance to create from the inside. Why do you think people are destroying the world today? Because they are in such a hurry all the time so they dont see the beauty of the world. When you calm down and walk slowly all the beauty of the world will reveal itself to you.

Examples of self affirmations.I am confident in all that I do.When I look in the mirror, I see a confident able person looking back at me.I set achievable goals and I reach them easily.I am good at my job and others readily acknowledge this fact.I move confidently in the direction of my dreams.I look and feel great.I am strong and confident and I learn from my mistakes.I give and receive love freely.I am grateful for all the many blessings in my life and I have lots of them.I am confident in my ability to treat others with respect and in return, they treat me with respect.The above is just a short list of affirmations you can use to boost your confidence. You can use one of these affirmations I have provided here in this article or you can create your own. Just remember when you create your own affirmations, they need to be stated in the present tense and they need to be made with positive language.This article only addresses how to build self confidence using affirmations. There are plenty of other ways to build up your confidence. Affirmations are surely one very powerful way and should be included in any efforts for building your confidence, but remember there are several things you can do to build up your confidence.

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