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Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Natural Way to Inner Beauty

By David Morris

Have you considered that we can actually keep our skin looking and feeling great, no matter what your age, just by taking care of what we eat.

If you're looking for that glowing, healthy look to your skin, then the first stop is vitamin A. Vitamin A is really important to the heath of your skin as a whole. According to Dr Joshua Zeichner MD, who's the director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research at the dermatology department at Mount Sinai Medical Centre, New York; it helps skin cells grow and mature properly. Excellent course of vitamin A can be found in carrots, goji berries and spirulina

If you're looking to turn back the clock on wrinkles, then the first port of call is omega 3oils. Omega 3 oils are really important for the health of your skin. Firstly they strengthen the membranes of your skin cells, and this protects your cells from absorbing damaging toxins. Secondly, it keeps the moisture from getting out and this helps your skin from becoming too dry. Foods containing omega 3 oils include spirulina, barley grass and chia seeds

In order to keep your skin wrinkle free and smooth, your body produces something really amazing, it's a protein called elastin. It's elastin that keeps your skin tight and flexible, and for your body to produce good quality elastin in the right quantities, you need to have plenty of selenium. Selenium is a trace mineral and an excellent, natural food source of it are goji berries. This may explain why so many of Hollywood celebrities are big fans of them including: Madonna, Liz Hurley, Miranda Kerr and Helena Bonham Carter, to name a few.

Goji Berries also contain something else that helps your skin: vitamin C, (Goji has 50 times the vitamin C of oranges) and vitamin C supports the growth of collagen in the skin. Collagen is a protein which actually smoothes out wrinkles... giving your face a more youthful and fuller appearance, and there's research to prove it too. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that volunteers who consumed 4 mg of vitamin C daily for 3 years were 11% less likely to have a wrinkled appearance. Other super foods packed with vitamin C include chia seeds, wheatgrass, bee pollen, and spirulina. The key to good skin, like many things, is to a large extent down to good nutrition.

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