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Monday, April 30, 2012

Get to know about Hormone imbalance symptoms

By Jake Alexandre

What are essential to every woman's health and her well being are her hormones. When these hormones are disturbed they affect many factors in her body such as her sexual desire, fertility, ovulation, etc. The imbalance of hormones can affect a woman's health as well as her reproductive system.

Being sure that your hormonal level is always in balance is highly important. If you are facing hormonal imbalance symptoms, you should take a test and be sure. Trained specialists like obstetricians, gynecologists and reproductive endocrinologists who have specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of such problem can help you treat your issues and problems. You should not ignore the seriousness of hormonal imbalance if you are diagnosed with it.

It is important to take hormonal imbalance seriously. If there is an imbalance of estrogen or other hormones in a woman's body it can cause menopause and symptoms related to it. Hormones themselves are affected by many factors such as nutrition, diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress, emotions, age and ovulation.

You should always get professional help if you are facing such a serious problem. You can use symptom count to diagnose yourself of this problem. Most major symptoms are related to how you feel; this is because hormonal changes bring a drastic change in your mood as well your body. One symptom is related to menstruation as it brings a change in your menstruation cycle. The changes you can face are; irregular periods; shorter, lighter periods; heavier periods, flooding; phantom periods, shorter cycles, longer cycles.

Imbalance of estrogen and progesterone is what basically causes a hormonal imbalance. There are many hair related symptoms of this problem. There is noticeable excessive growth of hair on arms and face of a woman. Other than that woman also face hair fall or thinning which is caused by the male pattern baldness.

Another major symptom is related to frame of mind or mood. Hormones surely affect a woman's mood. As we have noticed every time a woman is in a bad mood the hormones are be blamed. Hormonal imbalance can cause anxiety, irritability and mood swings. Other than that it also causes fatigue, dizziness, cynical headaches and depression.

A drastic change in your health and sex life is also brought by hormonal imbalance as it causes weight gain and low sex drive. Some woman sex drive is dropped to a very low level that they find it disgusting. What hormones give is taken away by their loss. Hormonal imbalance causes painful intercourse as it causes dryness in the vagina. There is also drying in the eyes, mouth, joints, and skin. Water retention and bloating is also caused by hormonal imbalance.

Skin conditions like acne and oily skin also are caused. Allergy symptoms are also developed. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) becomes more frequent. There is a noticed change in body odor. Hot flashes, night sweats, and clammy feelings are also symptoms of hormonal imbalance. The most serious symptom is infertility as well as polycystic ovaries.

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